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LHAPDFWrap Class Reference

#include <LHAPDFWrap.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 LHAPDFWrap ()
 Do-nothing constructor.
 LHAPDFWrap (const std::string &name)
 LHAPDFWrap (const std::string &name, int memset)
 LHAPDFWrap (int nset, const std::string &name)
 LHAPDFWrap (int nset, const std::string &name, int memset)
std::vector< double > xfx (double x, double Q)
double xfx (double x, double Q, int fl)
std::vector< double > xfxp (double x, double Q, double P2, int ip)
double xfxp (double x, double Q, double P2, int ip, int fl)
std::vector< double > xfxa (double x, double Q, double a)
double xfxa (double x, double Q, double a, int fl)
std::vector< double > xfxphoton (double x, double Q)
double xfxphoton (double x, double Q, int fl)
void initPDFSet (const std::string &name)
 The PDF set by name, see subdir 'PDFset' of LHAPDFv2 for choices.
void initPDFSetByName (const std::string &name)
 The PDF set by name, see subdir 'PDFset' of LHAPDFv2 for choices.
void initPDF (int memset)
 The choice of PDF subset out of one distribution.
void getDescription ()
 Prints a brief description of the current pdf set to stdout.
int numberPDF ()
 Number of subsets available in the current distribution.
double alphasPDF (double Q)
 $ \alpha_\mathrm{s} $ used by the current PDF.
int getOrderPDF ()
int getOrderAlphaS ()
 Perturbative order of parton evolution and $ \alpha_\mathrm{s} $ respectively.
double getQMass (int f)
 Quark mass used for flavour f.
double getThreshold (int f)
 Threshold for flavour f.
int getNf ()
 Number of flavours used in the current PDF set.
double getLam4 (int m)
 Value of QCD lambda4 for member m.
double getLam5 (int m)
 Value of QCD lambda5 for member m.
double getXmin (int m)
double getXmax (int m)
double getQ2min (int m)
double getQ2max (int m)
void extrapolate ()
std::vector< double > xfxM (int nset, double x, double Q)
double xfxM (int nset, double x, double Q, int fl)
std::vector< double > xfxpM (int nset, double x, double Q, double P2, int ip)
double xfxpM (int nset, double x, double Q, double P2, int ip, int fl)
std::vector< double > xfxaM (int nset, double x, double Q, double a)
double xfxaM (int nset, double x, double Q, double a, int fl)
std::vector< double > xfxphotonM (int nset, double x, double Q)
double xfxphotonM (int nset, double x, double Q, int fl)
void initPDFSetM (int nset, const std::string &name)
 The PDF set by name, see subdir 'PDFset' of LHAPDFv2 for choices.
void initPDFSetByNameM (int nset, const std::string &name)
 The PDF set by name, see subdir 'PDFset' of LHAPDFv2 for choices.
void initPDFM (int nset, int memset)
 The choice of PDF subset out of one distribution.
void getDescriptionM (int nset)
 Prints a brief description of the current PDF set to stdout.
int numberPDFM (int nset)
 Number of subsets available in the current distribution.
double alphasPDFM (int nset, double Q)
 $ \alpha_\mathrm{s} $ used by the current PDF.
int getOrderPDFM (int nset)
int getOrderAlphaSM (int nset)
 Perturbative order of parton evolution and $ \alpha_\mathrm{s} $ respectively.
double getQMassM (int nset, int f)
 Quark mass used for flavour f.
double getThresholdM (int nset, int f)
 Threshold for flavour f.
int getNfM (int nset)
 Number of flavours used in the current PDF set.
double getLam4M (int nset, int m)
 Value of QCD lambda4 for member m.
double getLam5M (int nset, int m)
 Value of QCD lambda5 for member m.
double getXminM (int nset, int m)
double getXmaxM (int nset, int m)
double getQ2minM (int nset, int m)
double getQ2maxM (int nset, int m)

Detailed Description

Wrapper class used to contain all the wrapper functions.
The class-based C++ wrapper on LHAPDF will be retired in a forthcoming release of LHAPDF in favour of the namespaced wrapper declared in LHAPDF.h. Please convert client code which uses the class interface to use the new interface instead. Typically, this will just involve changing the header include from "LHAPDF/LHAPDFWrap.h" to "LHAPDF/LHAPDFWrap.h", changing any constructors to initialisation functions, and replacing LHAPDFWrap objects with an LHAPDF namespace. For example,
  #include "LHAPDF/LHAPDFWrap.h"
  LHAPDFWrap pdf = LHAPDFWrap("MRST2004qed.LHgrid", 0);
would be replaced by
  #include "LHAPDF/LHAPDF.h"
  LHAPDF::initPDFByName("MRST2004qed.LHgrid", 0);

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

LHAPDFWrap::LHAPDFWrap ( const std::string &  name  ) 

Typical constructor with PDF set 'name' 'name' is the name of the grid or data file of the desired set.

LHAPDFWrap::LHAPDFWrap ( const std::string &  name,
int  memset 

Typical constructor with PDF set 'name' and subset 'memset' 'name' is the name of the grid or data file of the desired set.

LHAPDFWrap::LHAPDFWrap ( int  nset,
const std::string &  name 

Typical constructor (when multiple PDF sets need to be initialized) with pdfset 'name' and subset 'memset'. 'name' is the name of the grid or data file of the desired set. int nset specifies the reference number for the set to be initialized

LHAPDFWrap::LHAPDFWrap ( int  nset,
const std::string &  name,
int  memset 

Typical constructor (when multiple PDF sets need to be initialized) with PDF set 'name' and subset 'memset'. 'name' is the name of the grid or data file of the desired set. int nset specifies the reference number for the set to be initialized

Member Function Documentation

std::vector<double> LHAPDFWrap::xfx ( double  x,
double  Q 

Returns a vector xf(x, Q) with index 0 < i < 12. 0..5 = tbar, ..., ubar, dbar; 6 = g; 7..12 = d, u, ..., t

double LHAPDFWrap::xfx ( double  x,
double  Q,
int  fl 

Returns xf(x, Q) for flavour fl - this time the flavour encoding is as in the LHAPDF manual... -6..-1 = tbar,...,ubar, dbar 1..6 = duscbt 0 = g

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Tue Oct 6 21:45:53 2009 for LHAPDF C++ wrapper by  doxygen 1.5.5