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LHAPDF 6.5.4
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NLHAPDFNamespace for all LHAPDF functions and classes
 CAlphaSCalculator interface for computing alpha_s(Q2) in various ways
 CAlphaS_AnalyticCalculate alpha_s(Q2) by an analytic approximation
 CAlphaS_ODESolve the differential equation in alphaS using an implementation of RK4
 CAlphaSArrayInternal storage class for alpha_s interpolation grids
 CAlphaSErrorError for general AlphaS computation problems
 Cbad_lexical_castWhen lexical_cast goes bad
 CBicubicInterpolatorImplementation of bicubic interpolation
 CBilinearInterpolatorImplementation of bilinear interpolation
 CConfigClass for PDF set metadata and manipulation
 CErrExtrapolatorExtrapolates using the closest point on the Grid
 CExceptionGeneric unspecialised LHAPDF runtime error
 CExtrapolatorThe general interface for extrapolating beyond grid boundaries
 CFactoryErrorError to be raised by object factories given invalid requests
 CFileMPI-safe file I/O interface
 CFlavorErrorError for requests for unsupported/invalid flavour PIDs
 CGridErrorError for general PDF grid problems
 CGridPDFA PDF defined via an interpolation grid
 CIndexErrorError to be raised when a LHAPDF ID indexing fails
 CInfoMetadata base class for PDFs, PDF sets, or global configuration
 CInterpolatorThe general interface for interpolating between grid points
 CKnotArrayInternal storage class for PDF data point grids
 CLogBicubicInterpolatorImplementation of bicubic interpolation
 CLogBilinearInterpolatorImplementation of bilinear interpolation
 CLogicErrorError for places where it should not have been possible to get to!
 CMetadataErrorError for unfound or broken metadata entries
 CNearestPointExtrapolatorExtrapolates using the closest point on the Grid
 CNotImplementedErrorThis feature doesn't exist yet
 CPDFPDF is the general interface for access to parton density information
 CPDFErrInfoStructure encoding the structure of the PDF error-set
 CPDFInfoMetadata class for PDF members
 CPDFSetClass for PDF-set metadata and manipulation
 CPDFUncertaintyStructure for storage of uncertainty info calculated over a PDF error set
 CRangeErrorError to be thrown when out of the valid range of a PDF
 CReadErrorError for file reading errors
 CUserErrorProblem exists between keyboard and chair
 CVersionErrorError to be raised when a newer LHAPDF version is needed