LHAPDF version 5 User Guide 1
1 IntroductionContents
2 Installing LHAPDF
2.1 Version 4.1 onwards
2.2 Version 4.0 and earlier
3 Interfacing LHAPDF with a Code
3.1 Using the LHAPDF routines directly
3.2 Using the LHAGLUE inteface
3.3 Whether to use .LHpdf or .LHgrid files?
3.4 Nuclear PDFs
4 Multiset Initialization with Version 5
4.1 How many sets can be initialised
4.2 Using multiset initialization with LHAglue
4.3 Using multiset initialization with native LHAPDF routines
5 C++ wrapper
5.1 Documentation for new version 5.4 onwards
5.2 Description (old version 5.3)
6 Routines for calculating PDF uncertainties and correlations
A PDF set numbers and names
B Examples
B.1 Example 1: A PDF table
B.2 Example 2: Calculating Uncertainties for Monte Carlo PDF sets
B.3 Example 3: A Convenient Wrap
B.4 Example 4: Using LHAGLUE to do Example 1
B.4 Example 5: Using Multiset Initalisation
The Les Houches Accord PDF (LHAPDF) interface package is designed to work with PDF sets. A PDF set can consist of many individual member PDFs. While the interpretation of the member PDFs depends on the particular set, the LHAPDF interface is specifically designed to accommodate PDFs with uncertainties. For PDFs with uncertainties the PDF set represents one ``fit'' to the data. The individual member of a PDF set are needed to calculate the PDF uncertainty of the observable.
All PDF sets are defined through external files. This means that in many cases a new set can be added by simply downloading its file while the LHAPDF interface code does not change. The user has, since LHAPDF version 2, the option of using parameter files (.LHpdf) and doing the evolution "on the fly" or of using the interpolation grid files (.LHgrid) as supplied by the PDF set authors. The evolution code is not part of LHAPDF. Currently, QCDNUM [1] is the default evolution code fully interfaced with LHAPDF. Other evolution codes can easily be interfaced with the LHAPDF.
Since version 3 the LHAGLUE package 2 has been included as an alternative, and PDFLIB-like, inteface to the LHAPDF code.
The major changes in version 4 are the additional of the photon and pion PDF sets and the access to the QCD parameters Lamdba4/5 quoted by the authors of the PDF sets as applicable to that set.
Version 4.1 introduces a more standard "configure; make; makeinstall" installation procedure using gnu autoconf tools with and has some small changes for compatibility with f90/95 compilers.
Version 5 introduces multiset initialisation whereby several PDFs can be initialised a the beginning and then used interchangeably without incurring the cpu penalty of re-initialization.
The Les Houches Accord Parton Density Function interface originated at the Les Houches 2001 workshop [2] in the PDF working group to enable the usage of Parton Density Functions with uncertainties in a uniform manner. When PDFs with uncertainties are considered, a ``fit'' to the data no longer is described by a single PDF. Instead in its most flexible implementation, a fit is represented by a PDF set consisting of many individual members. Calculating the observable for all the PDF members enables one to reconstruct the uncertainty on the observable. The LHAPDF interface was made with this in mind and manipulates PDF sets.
The LHAPDF interface can be viewed as a successor to PDFLIB [3]. Many improvements were added, to list some of the features:
Note that the current ``best fit'' PDFs can be viewed as sets with one member PDF and can be easily defined through the PDF set external file definition. Alternatively one can group these ``fits'' is single sets (e.g. MRST98 set) as they often represent best fits given different model assumptions and as such reflect theoretical modeling uncertainties.
As mentioned above, using LHAPDF to determine the PDF uncertainty on an observable will involve evaluating N different PDFs in a single set. How to use the N predictions of the observable depends on the method used in the PDF set for propagation of errors. During the fitting of the PDFs many approximations can be made. An overview is given in the 2001 Les Houches proceedings [2].
The method of installing changed between versions 4.0 and 4.1. These are desribed below:
First download the required gzipped tar file (eg lhapdf-v.r.tar.gz) from the downloads section (either with or without the PDFsets as required). Then do the following:-
tar -xvzf lhapdf-v.r.tar.gz to unpack this into the directory lhapdf-v.r.cd lhapdf-v.r to change directory (v.r = version.revision, eg 4.1).
If you have root priviledge and want the installed files to go by default into /usr/local then do:
If you do not have root priviledge and/or want the files installed into a different directory then do:
./configure --prefix=/path/to/directory
note: this should be a different directory to the 'lhapdf-v.r.p' directory, otherwise the install step will not work.
If you want to install a memory light version to work with mainly single pdfs then use:
./configure --prefix=/path/to/directory --enable-low-memory
If you want to install with a maximum number of sets different from the default of 3 then use:
./configure --prefix=/path/to/directory --with-max-num-pdfsets=N
From version 5.8.0 onwards there is the additional configuration option to limit the virtual memory footprint
of LHAPDF by building with only the
code for selected PDFs as follows:
./configure --prefix=/path/to/directory -enable-pdfsets=LIST
where LIST is a comma separated list chosen from:
mrst mrst06 mrst98 mrstqed cteq grv nnpdf gjr h1 zeus h1 hera alekhin botje fermi hkn pions photons
Note that -ve values in the list take precedence and exclude the selected PDF set.
Any of the above configuration options can of course be combined to tailor the build to your requirements.
Then do:
./make install
The following directories/files should now have been installed in your selected installation directory.
From version 5.2.3 onwards additionally the following files are installed:
From version 5.3.0 onwards additionally the following files are installed:
Note that from verion 5.4.0 onwards all the C++ routines are in the main libLHAPDF library
If you wish to install the various components into different directories than above, the following options to ./configure (as well as --prefix=) can be used:
--bindir=DIR --datadir=DIR --libdir=DIR
More details are given in the INSTALL file in the downloaded package.
Installing LHAPDF is simple and can be accomplished in two ways:
The Makefile has other options for compiling only the code relevant to the EVLCTEQ (make evlcteq) evolution code programmes. This is included mainly for compatibility with LHAPDF version 1 and in general it is better to compile the complete code as this will allow different PDF sets from the different authors and also the different type of input files (parameter or grid) to be used seamlessly without recompiling any code.
The 'make clean' command will remove the .o files from the directories once the installation has been successfully accompished.
Thus in its simplest form
download the file 'LHAfullv4.0'should suffice to install LHAPDF version 4.
tar -xvf LHAfullv4.0.tar
make clean
Since version 3 there are two ways of interfacing the LHAPDF code into a user program.
1) Using the LHAPDF routines directly.
2) Using the LHAGLUE interface.
The interface of LHAPDF with an external code is easy. We will describe the basic steps sufficient for most applications. In this section we describe single set intitalization. In a following section we describe how to use multiset initialization introduced in version 5. The function calls described here will not be altered in any way in future versions. Including the LHAPDF code into a program involves three steps:
call InitPDFset(name)
It is called only once at the beginning of the code. The string variable name is the fully qualified file name of the external PDF file (i.e. including specific directory path) that defines the PDF set. For the default evolution code QCDNUM it will either calculate or read from file the LO/NLO splitting function weights. The calculation of the weights might take some time depending on the chosen grid size. However, after the first run a grid file is created. Subsequent runs will use this file to read in the weights so that the lengthy calculation of these weights is avoided. The file depends on the grid parameters and flavor thresholds. This means different PDF sets can have different grid files. The name of the grid file is specified in the PDF setup file. Appendix B gives a table showing the names of all the available files.
As emphasised above, when using call InitPDFset the parameter name is the full path qualified name of the set. From version 4.1 onwards and additional routine:
call InitPDFsetByName(name)
call InitPDF(mem)
The integer mem specifies the member PDF number. This routine only needs to be called when changing to a new PDF member. The time needed to setup depends on the evolution code used. For QCDNUM the grid size is the determining factor. Note that mem=0 selects the ``best fit'' PDF.
The subroutine call
call evolvePDF(x,Q,f)
returns the PDF momentum densities f (i.e. x × PDF number density) at double precision momentum fraction x and double precision scale Q. The double precision array f(-6:6) will contain the momentum PDFs using the labeling convention of table 1.
Parton |
Table 1: The flavor enumeration convention used in the LHAPDF interface.
As long as the member PDF is not changed (by the call InitPDF of step 2) the evolution calls will always use the same PDF member.
Note also special routine and function for the MRST2004qed set, which has an extra parameter for the photon density distribution generated in this fit:
call evolvePDFphoton(x,Q,f,photon)
has_photon() returns true for this set.
A different subroutine call
call evolvePDFp(x,Q,P2,IP2,f)
is available for the photon PDFs where Q is the QCD scale in GeV, P2 is the vitruality of the photon in GeV2, which should by 0 for an on-shell photon, and IP2 is the parameter to evaluate the off-shell anomalous component. x and f are as above. Note that all inputs and outputs are defined in DOUBLE PRECISION
A few additional calls listed below can be useful:
function alphasPDF(Q) | This double precision function call returns the values of aS(Q) at double precision scale Q. Note that its value can change between different PDF members. |
call GetLam4(mem,qcdl4) call GetLam5(mem,qlam5) |
return the values of qcdl4 and qcdl5 for the member number mem of the current set.. Note that the values should be used with care due to the differing defintions of lambda. |
call GetXmin(mem,xmin) call GetXmin(mem,xmin) call GetQ2max(mem,q2max) call GetQ2min(mem,q2min) |
return the minimum and maximum values of x and Q**2 as defined by the PDF authors for the member number mem of the current set (version 5.3.0 onwards) .. |
call numberPDF(Nmem) | Returns as Nmem the number of PDF members in the set:(excluding the special ``best fit'' member, i.e. the member numbers run from 0 to Nmem) |
call GetOrderPDF(order) | To get the evolution order of the PDFs. The integer variable order is 0 for Leading Order, 1 for Next-to-Leading Order, etc. |
call GetOrderAs(order) | To get the evolution order of aS. The integer variable order is 0 for Leading Order, 1 for Next-to-Leading Order, etc. |
call GetRenFac(muf) | Gives the ratio of the renormalization scale over the factorization scale used in the ``fit''. The double precision variable muf contains the ratio. Usually muf is equal to unity. |
call GetDesc() | This call will print the PDF description to the default output stream. |
call GetQmass(nf,mass) | The mass mass is returned for quark flavor nf. The quark masses are used in the aS evolution. |
call GetThreshold(nf,Q) | The flavor threshold Q is returned for flavor nf. If Q=-1d0 the flavor is not in the evolution (e.g. the top quark is usually not included in the evolution). If Q=0d0 the flavor is parametrized at the parametrization scale. For positive non-zero values of Q the value is set to the flavor threshold at which the PDF starts to evolve. |
call GetNf(nfmax) | For the PDF sets of the .LHpdf type, returns the number of flavor thresholds in the PDF evolution. Usually the returned value for nfmax is equal to five as the top quark is usually not considered in the PDFs. For the PDF sets of the .LHgrid type -1 is returned. |
call GetLHAPDFVersion(version) | Returns the version number of LHAPDF being used |
The LHAGLUE interface 2 has been designed as a PDFLIB look alike interface to LHAPDF.
The interface contains four subroutines (similar to PDFLIB) and can be used seamlessly by Monte Carlo generators interfaced to PDFLIB or in stand-alone mode.
call PDFSET(parm,value)
Of course any of the LHAPDF routines, except the initialization routines InitPDFset and InitPDF, described in the previous subsection can also be used, for example to return the value of alphas (alphasPDF(Q)) or print the file description (GetDesc()).
The interface can be invoked 3 ways depending on the value of parm(1) provided by the user when calling PDFSET(parm,value)
The LHAPDF set/number is selected depending on the value of:
There are other CONTROL switches which determine how the interface operates. The location of the LHAPDF library has to be specified as described below, the rest are optional.If the user does nothing, sensible defaults are active. To change the behaviour the corresponding values of parm() should be set to the values given below.
From version LHAPDF v4.1 onwards, and the LHAglue routines distributed with it, the location of the PDFsets data files is set automatically using the "lhapdf-config" script, provided that the precribed installation instructions have been used.
Alternatively from version 5.0 onwards the PDFsets path can also be specified
(a) with the call
(b) with the environmental variable
The maximum length of the path is set to 232. Should this need to be increased then it can be changed in the include file "src/pathsetup.inc", followed by a complete recompilation.
For previous version (4.0 and earlier) the following describes the situation:
The following use the common block
which can be used directly in the user's program.
Alternatively the various
flags can be set and reset using the CALL SetLHAPARM(string)
function call, thus removing the need to include the common block in the user's program.
The advantage of the .LHpdf files is that they are much smaller than the equivalent .LHgrid files.
Whichever the user chooses the method of using the LHAPDF and LHAGLUE routines is exactly the same.
LHAPDF provides the ability to add nuclear corrections to PDFs in the same way as in PDFLIB
By default the native LHAPDF routines
From version 5.4 onwards the EPS08 corrections can be used instead by preceding the call with
and from version 5.8.4 onwards the latest EPS09 (lo,nlo + errors) corrections can be used instead by preceding the call with
where the 'n' is the error set number:
1 = central
2 = +1
3 = -1
4.1 How many sets can be initialised?
This is determined by the parameter nmxset in the file src/parmsetup.inc. It is set as a default to 3 but can be set to whatever the user wishes. Obviously the larger it is the larger will be the size of the executable programme. When changing this parameter it is necessary to recompile all the routines since the file is included in most of them. To do this do make clean followed by make then make install.4.2 Using multiset initialization with LHAglue
The LHAglue in version 5 program will do multiset initialization automatically with no changes to the users routines. Of course the parameter nmxset in the file src/parmsetup.inc described in the previous subsection the has to be large enough for the maximum number of sets.4.3 Using multiset initialization with the native LHAPDF routines
Version 5 contains a set of subroutines which perform the same functions as those described in section 3.1 (using LHADF routines dirtectly) but with the additional parameter nset. This allows specific PDF sets/members to be assigned to nset and used interchangeably once they have been intialized. The table below lists those routines and their use.
call InitPDFsetM(nset,name) or call InitPDFsetByNameM(nset,name) |
Called once per PDF set to allocate nset to a specific set | |
call InitPDFM(nset,mem) | Called once per PDF set/member to allocate the member number (mem) to nset. | |
The above two calls are each made only ONCE per run no matter how many times a PDF set is used thereafter | ||
call evolvePDFM(nset,x,Q,f) | Returns the PDF momentum density (f ) for the nucleon or pion PDF set initialised as nset for the given x and Q. | |
call evolvePDFphotonM(nset,x,Q,f,photon) | Special call from the MRST2004qed set. | |
call evolvePDFpM(nset,x,Q,P2,IP2,f) | Returns the PDF momentum density (f ) for the photon PDF set initialised as nset for the given x,Q,P2and IP2. | |
call GetLam4M(nset,mem,qcdl4) call GetLam5M(nset,mem,qcdl5) |
Return the values of qcdl4 and qcdl5 for the member number mem of the set nset. Note that the values should be used with care due to the differing defintions of lambda. | |
call GetXminM(nset,mem,xmin) call GetXmaxM(nset,mem,xmax) call GetQ2minM(nset,mem,q2min) call GetQ2maxM(nset,mem,q2max) |
Return the minimum and maximum values of x and Q**2 for the member number mem of the set nset (version 5.3.0 onwards) | |
call numberPDFM(nset,Nmem) | Returns as Nmem the number of PDF members in the set nset:(excluding the special ``best fit'' member, i.e. the member numbers run from 0 to Nmem) | |
call GetOrderPDFM(nset,order) | To get the evolution order of the PDFs in set nset. The integer variable order is 0 for Leading Order, 1 for Next-to-Leading Order, etc. | |
call GetOrderAsM(nset,order) | To get the evolution order of aS in set nset. The integer variable order is 0 for Leading Order, 1 for Next-to-Leading Order, etc. | |
call GetRenFacM(nset,muf) | Gives the ratio of the renormalization scale over the factorization scale used in the ``fit'' for set nset. The double precision variable muf contains the ratio. Usually muf is equal to unity. | |
call GetDescM(nset) | This call will print the PDF description of set nset to the default output stream. | |
call GetQmassM(nset,nf,mass) | The mass mass is returned for quark flavor nf for set nset. The quark masses are used in the aS evolution. | |
call GetThresholdM(nset,nf,Q) | The flavor threshold Q is returned for flavor nf for set nset. If Q=-1d0 the flavor is not in the evolution (e.g. the top quark is usually not included in the evolution). If Q=0d0 the flavor is parametrized at the parametrization scale. For positive non-zero values of Q the value is set to the flavor threshold at which the PDF starts to evolve. | |
call GetNfM(nset,nfmax) | For the PDF sets of type .LHpdf returns the number of flavor thresholds in the PDF evolution for set nset. Usually the returned value for nfmax is equal to five as the top quark is usually not considered in the PDFs For the PDF sets of the .LHgrid type it returns -1. | |
call GetMaxNumSets(MaxNumSets) | Returns the maximum number of sets which can be initialised (from parmsetup.inc) | |
call GetNset(nset) | Returns the set number of the current set | |
call GetNmem(nset,nmem) | Returns the set member number of the set nset |
// constructors
// std c'tor d'tor
LHAPDFWrap(char *name); // (uses initPDFSetByName)
// typical constructor with pdfset 'name', where 'name' is the name
// of the data file of the desired set.
LHAPDFWrap(char *name, int memset); // (uses initPDFSetByName)
// typical constructor with pdfset 'name' and subset 'memset'
// 'name' is the name of the pdf set and 'memset' the subset member number.
// intialisers
void initPDFSet(char *name);
// initialises the pdfset by full name (including the path directory)
void initPDFSetByName(char *name);
// initialises the pdfset by name only
void initPDF(int memset);
// selects the pdf subset out of the initialised pdf distribution
// methods for nucleon and pion pdfs
std::vector< double > xfx(const double &x;, const double &Q;);
// returns a vector xf(x, Q) with index 0 < i < 12.
// 0..5 = tbar, ..., ubar, dbar;
// 6 = g;
// 7..12 = d, u, ..., t
double xfx(const double &x;, const double &Q;, int fl);
// returns xf(x, Q) for flavour fl - this time the flavour encoding
// is as in the LHAPDF manual...
// -6..-1 = tbar,...,ubar, dbar
// 1..6 = duscbt
// 0 = g
// methods for photon pdfs ($P2 and ip are )
std::vector< double > xfxp(const double &x;, const double &Q;, const double &P2;, int ip);
// returns a vector xf(x, Q) with index 0 < i < 12.
// 0..5 = tbar, ..., ubar, dbar;
// 6 = g;
// 7..12 = d, u, ..., t
double xfxp(const double &x;, const double &Q;, const double &P2;, int ip, int fl);
// returns xf(x, Q) for flavour fl - this time the flavour encoding
// is as in the LHAPDF manual...
// -6..-1 = tbar,...,ubar, dbar
// 1..6 = duscbt
// 0 = g
// methods for nuclear pdfs (&a; is the atomic number)
std::vector< double > xfxa(const double &x;, const double &Q;, const double &a;);
// returns a vector xf(x, Q) with index 0 < i < 12.
// 0..5 = tbar, ..., ubar, dbar;
// 6 = g;
// 7..12 = d, u, ..., t
double xfxa(const double &x;, const double &Q;, const double &a;, int fl);
// returns xf(x, Q) for flavour fl - this time the flavour encoding
// -6..-1 = tbar,...,ubar, dbar
// is as in the LHAPDF manual...
// -6..-1 = tbar,...,ubar, dbar
// 1..6 = duscbt
// 0 = g
// methods for pdfs in MRST2004qed.LHgrid
std::vector< double > xfxphoton(const double &x;, const double &Q;);
// returns a vector xf(x, Q) with index 0 < i < 14.
// 0..5 = tbar, ..., ubar, dbar;
// 6 = g;
// 7..12 = d, u, ..., t
// 13 = photon
double xfxphoton(const double &x;, const double &Q;, int fl);
// returns xf(x, Q) for flavour fl - this time the flavour encoding
// is as in the LHAPDF manual...
// -6..-1 = tbar,...,ubar, dbar
// 1..6 = duscbt
// 0 = g
// 7 = photon
// other methods
void getDescription();
// prints a brief description of the current pdf set to stdout
int numberPDF();
// return the number of subsets available in the current distribution.
double alphasPDF(double Q);
// return the alphas used by the current pdf.
int getOrderPDF();
// returns the order (LO, NLO, NNLO) of the current pdf
int getOrderAlphaS();
// return is order (LO, NLO, NNLO) of alpha_S.
double getQMass(int f);
// returns quark mass used for flavour f.
double getThreshold(int f);
// returns the threshold for flavour f.
int getNf();
// returns the number of flavours used in the current pdf set.
double getLam4(int m);
// returns the value of qcd lambda4 for member m
double getLam5(int m);
// returns the value of qcd lambda5 for member m
double getXmin(int m);
// returns the value of Xmin for member m
double getXmax(int m);
// returns the value of Xmax for member m
double getQ2min(int m);
// returns the value of Q2min for member m
double getQ2max(int m);
// returns the value of Q2max for member m
void extrapolate();
// sets the flag to extrapolate beyond the x and Q2 limits of the pdf set.
// Equivalent methods for multiset pdf use
LHAPDFWrap(int nset, char *name);
LHAPDFWrap(int nset, char *name, int memset);
void initPDFSetM(int nset, char *name);
void initPDFSetByNameM(int nset, char *name);
void initPDFM(int nset, int memset);
std::vector< double > xfxM(int nset, const double &x;, const double &Q;);
double xfxM(int nset, const double &x;, const double &Q;, int fl);
std::vector< double > xfxpM(int nset, const double &x;, const double &Q;, const double &P2;, int ip);
double xfxpM(int nset, const double &x;, const double &Q;, const double &P2;, int ip, int fl);
std::vector< double > xfxaM(int nset, const double &x;, const double &Q;, const double &a;);
double xfxaM(int nset, const double &x;, const double &Q;, const double &a;, int fl);
std::vector< double > xfxphotonM(int nset, const double &x;, const double &Q;);
double xfxphotonM(int nset, const double &x;, const double &Q;, int fl);
void getDescriptionM(int nset);
int numberPDFM(int nset);
double alphasPDFM(int nset, double Q);
int getOrderPDFM(int nset);
int getOrderAlphaSM(int nset);
double getQMassM(int nset, int f);
double getThresholdM(int nset, int f);
int getNfM(int nset);
double getLam4M(int nset, int m);
double getLam5M(int nset, int m);
double getXminM(int nset, int m);
double getXmaxM(int nset, int m);
double getQ2minM(int nset, int m);
double getQ2maxM(int nset, int m);
Provided by Graeme Watt using the formulae for PDF uncertainties and correlations in:
G. Watt, JHEP 1109 (2011) 069 [arXiv:1106.5788 [hep-ph]].
The code distinguishes between:
NNPDF (Monte Carlo approach)
Alekhin02/ABKM09/ABM11 (symmetric Hessian approach)
all other PDF sets (asymmetric Hessian approach).
call GetPDFUncType(lMonteCarlo,lSymmetric)
returns (.true./.false.)(.false./.true.) (.false/.false) respectively for the above cases.GetPDFuncertainty(values,central,errplus,errminus,errsym)
Calculates the PDF uncertainty using the appropriate formula for either the Hessian or Monte Carlo approach given an array "values(0:nmem)". In the Monte Carlo approach, the uncertainty is given by the standard deviation, and the central (average) value is not necessarily "values(0)" for quantities with a non-linear dependence on PDFs. In the Hessian approach, the central value is the best-fit "values(0)" and the uncertainty is given by either the symmetric or asymmetric formula using eigenvector PDF sets.
Calculates the PDF correlation using the appropriate formula for either the Hessian or Monte Carlo approach given two arrays "valuesA(0:nmem)" and "valuesB(0:nmem)". The correlation can vary between -1 and +1 where values close to {-1,0,+1} mean that the two quantities A and B are {anticorrelated,uncorrelated,correlated}.
Equivalent routines for the multiset use, with the extra parameter 'nset'
Proton PDFs
PDF set | .LHpdf | .LHgrid | File Name | Member | Xmin | Xmax | Q2min GeV2 | Q2max GeV2 |
CTEQ6m (central value) | 10000 | 10050 | cteq6m | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.69 | 108 |
CTEQ6 (40 error sets) | 10001-10040 | 10051-10090 | cteq6 | cteq6mE | 1-40 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.69 | 108 |
CTEQ6l (LO fit/NLO alphas) | 10041 | - | cteq6l | 0/1 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.69 | 108 |
CTEQ6ll (LO fit/LO alphas) | 10042 | - | cteq6ll | 0/1 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.69 | 108 |
CTEQ61 (central value) | 10100 | 10150 | cteq61 | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.69 | 108 |
CTEQ61 (40 error sets) | 10101-10140 | 10151-10190 | cteq61 | 1-40 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.69 | 108 |
CTEQ6AB (20 sets, variable alphas) | - | 10250-10269 | cteq6AB | 0-19 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.69 | 108 |
CTEQ65 (40 sets) | - | 10350-10390 | cteq65 | 0-40 | 10-7 | 1 | 1.69 | 1010 |
CTEQ65c (6 sets) | - | 10450-10456 | cteq65c | 0-6 | 10-7 | 1 | 1.69 | 1010 |
CTEQ65s (8 sets) | - | 10460-10467 | cteq65s | 0-7 | 10-7 | 1 | 1.69 | 1010 |
CTEQ66 (44 sets) | - | 10550-10594 | cteq66 | 0-44 | 10-8 | 1 | 1.69 | 1010 |
CTEQ66alphas (5 sets) | - | 10595-10599 | cteq66alphas | 0-4 | 10-8 | 1 | 1.69 | 1010 |
CTEQ66c (4 sets) | - | 10650-10653 | cteq66c | 0-3 | 10-8 | 1 | 1.69 | 1010 |
CTEQ66a (4 sets) | - | 10660-10663 | cteq66a0 to a3 | 0-3 | 10-8 | 1 | 1.69 | 1010 |
CTEQ66lg (light-gluino 8 sets) | - | 10670-10677 | cteq66lg | 0-7 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT09MCS (LO evnt gen) | - | 10770 | CT09MCS | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT09MC1 (LO evnt gen) | - | 10771 | CT09MC1 | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT09MC2 (LO evnt gen) | - | 10772 | CT09MC1 | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10 (central value) | - | 10800 | CT10 | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10 (52 error sets) | - | 10801 | CT10 | 1-52 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10as (11 alphas variations) | - | 10860-10870 | CT10as | 0-10 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10w (central value) | - | 10900 | CT10w | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10w (52 error sets) | - | 10901 | CT10w | 1-52 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10was (11 alphas variations) | - | 10960-10970 | CT10was | 0-10 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10f3 (fixed flavour) | - | 10980 | CT10f3 | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10f4 (fixed flavour) | - | 10981 | CT10f4 | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10wf3 (fixed flavour) | - | 10982 | CT10wf3 | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10wf4 (fixed flavour) | - | 10983 | CT10wf4 | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10nlo (new fit - central value) | - | 11000 | CT10nlo | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10nlo (new fit - 52 error sets) | - | 11001 | CT10nlo | 1-52 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10nlo_as_0xxx (new fit - 16 alphas variations 112-127) | - | 11062-11077 | CT10nlo_as_0xxx | 0-10 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10nlo_nf3 (new fit - fixed flavour) | - | 11080 | CT10nlo_nf3 | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10nlo_nf4 (new fit - fixed flavour) | - | 11080 | CT10nlo_nf4 | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10wnlo (new fit - central value) | - | 11100 | CT10wnlo | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10wnlo (new fit - 52 error sets) | - | 11201 | CT10wnlo | 1-52 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10wnlo_as_0xxx (new fit - 16 alphas variations 112-127) | - | 11162-11177 | CT10wnlo_as_0xxx | 0-10 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10wnlo_nf3 (new fit - fixed flavour) | - | 11180 | CT10wnlo_nf3 | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10wnlo_nf4 (new fit - fixed flavour) | - | 11180 | CT10wnlo_nf4 | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10nnlo (new fit - central value) | - | 11200 | CT10nnlo | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10nnlo (new fit - 50 error sets) | - | 11201 | CT10nnlo | 1-50 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CT10nnlo_as_0xxx (new fit - 21 alphas variations 110-130) | - | 11260-11280 | CT10nnlo_as_0xxx | 0-10 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.69 | 106 |
CJ12min (central) | - | 12000 | CJ12min | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.69 | 1010 |
CJ12min (error sets) | - | 12001-12038 | CJ12min | 1-38 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.69 | 1010 |
CJ12mid (central) | - | 12100 | CJ12mid | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.69 | 1010 |
CJ12mid (error sets) | - | 12101-12138 | CJ12mid | 1-38 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.69 | 1010 |
CJ12max (central) | - | 12200 | CJ12max | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.69 | 1010 |
CJ12max (error sets) | - | 12201-12238 | CJ12max | 1-38 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.69 | 1010 |
CTEQ5m (Standard MSbar) | - | 19050 | cteq5m | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.00 | 108 |
CTEQ5m1 (updated CTEQ5m) | - | 19051 | cteq5m1 | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.00 | 108 |
CTEQ5f3 (3-flav-DIS) | - | 19053 | cteq5f3 | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.00 | 108 |
CTEQ5f4 (4-flav-DIS) | - | 19054 | cteq5f4 | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.00 | 108 |
CTEQ5d (Standard DIS) | - | 19060 | cteq5d | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.00 | 108 |
CTEQ5l (LO fit) | - | 19070 | cteq5l | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.00 | 108 |
CTEQ4m (Standard MSbar) | - | 19150 | cteq4m | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 2.56 | 108 |
CTEQ4d (Standard DIS) | - | 19160 | cteq4d | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 2.56 | 108 |
CTEQ4l (LO fit) | - | 19170 | cteq4l | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 2.56 | 108 |
MRST2001nlo (Standard MSbar) | 20000 | 20050 | MRST2001nlo | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2001nlo (lower $\alpha_S$) | 20002 | 20052 | MRST2001nlo | 2 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2001nlo (higher $\alpha_S$) | 20003 | 20053 | MRST2001nlo | 3 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2001nlo (Jet Fit) | 20004 | 20054 | MRST2001nlo | 4 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2001lo (LO fit) | - | 20060 | MRST2001lo | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2001nnlo (NNLO fit) | - | 20070 | MRST2001nnlo | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2001E (central value) | 20100 | 20150 | MRST2001E | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2001E (30 error sets) | 20101-20130 | 20151-20180 | MRST2001E | 1-30 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2002nlo (Standard MSbar) | 20200 | 20250 | MRST2002nlo | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2002nnlo (NNLO fit) | - | 20270 | MRST2002nnlo | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2003cnlo (NLO - restricted ) | 20300 | 20350 | MRST2003cnlo | 0/1 | 10-3 | 1 | 10.0 | 107 |
MRST2003cnnlo (NNLO - restricted) | - | 20370 | MRST2003cnnlo | 0/1 | 10-3 | 1 | 7.0 | 107 |
MRST2004nlo (Standard MSbar) | 20400 | 20450 | MRST2004nlo | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2004FF3lo (fixed flavour) | - | 20452 | MRST2004FF3lo | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2004FF4lo (fixed flavour) | - | 20454 | MRST2004FF4lo | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2004FF3nlo (fixed flavour) | - | 20456 | MRST2004FF3nlo | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2004FF4nlo (fixed flavour) | - | 20458 | MRST2004FF4nlo | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2004qed (photon) | - | 20460 | MRST2004qed | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2004nnlo (NNLO fit) | - | 20470 | MRST2004nnlo | 0/1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST2006nnlo (NNLO fit) | - | 20550-20580 | MRST2006nnlo | 0-30 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MRST2007lomod (LO* for MC) | - | 20650 | MRST2007lomod | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRSTMCal (for MC) | - | 20651 | MRSTMCal | 0 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MSTW2008 (LO central) | - | 21000 | MSTW2008lo68cl | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MSTW2008lo68cl | - | 21001-21040 | MSTW2008lo68cl | 1-40 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MSTW2008lo90cl | - | 21041-21080 | MSTW2008lo90cl | 1-40 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MSTW2008 (NLO central) | - | 21100 | MSTW2008nlo68cl | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MSTW2008nlo68cl | - | 21101-21140 | MSTW2008nlo68cl | 1-40 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MSTW2008nlo90cl | - | 21141-21180 | MSTW2008nlo90cl | 1-40 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MSTW2008 (NNLO central) | - | 21200 | MSTW2008nnlo68cl | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MSTW2008nnlo68cl | - | 21201-21240 | MSTW2008nnlo68cl | 1-40 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MSTW2008nnlo90cl | - | 21241-21280 | MSTW2008nnlo90cl | 1-40 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MSTW2008nlo_asmzrange | - | 22000-22021 | MSTW2008nlo_asmzrange | 0-21 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MSTW2008nnlo_asmzrange | - | 22500-22521 | MSTW2008nlo_asmzrange | 0-21 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MSTW2008CPdeut (NLO central) | - | 23800 | MSTW2008CPdeutnlo68cl | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MSTW2008CPdeut (NLO error sets) | - | 23801-23846 | MSTW2008CPdeutnlo68cl | 1-46 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MSTW2008CPdeut (NNLO central) | - | 23850 | MSTW2008CPdeutnnlo68cl | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MSTW2008CPdeut (NNLO error sets) | - | 23851-23896 | MSTW2008CPdeutnnlo68cl | 1-46 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 109 |
MRST98 (central gluon/alphas) | 29000 | - | MRST98 | 0/2 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST98 (lower gluon) | 29001 | - | MRST98 | 1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST98lo (LO) | - | 29041-29045 | MRST98lo | 1-5 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST98nlo (NLO) | - | 29051-29055 | MRST98nlo | 1-5 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST98dis (DIS) | - | 29061-29065 | MRST98dis | 1-5 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
MRST98ht (HT) | - | 29071 | MRST98dis | 1 | 10-5 | 1 | 1.25 | 107 |
Fermi2002_100 (101 sets) | 30100-30200 | - | Fermi2002_100 | 0-100 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.00 | 1010 |
Fermi2002_1000 (1001 sets) | 31000-32000 | - | Fermi2002_1000 | 0-1000 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.00 | 1010 |
Alekhin_100 (101 sets) | 40100-40200 | - | Alekhin_100 | 0-100 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.00 | 1010 |
Alekhin_1000 (1000 sets) | 41000-41999 | - | Alekhin_1000 | 0-999 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.00 | 1010 |
Alekhin2002 (LO - cent val) | - | 40350 | a02m_lo | 0 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
Alekhin2002 (NLO - cent val) | - | 40450 | a02m_nlo | 0 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
Alekhin2002 (NNLO - cent val) | - | 40550 | a02m_nnlo | 0 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
Alekhin2002 (LO VFN 17 sets) | - | 40351-40367 | a02m_lo | 1-15 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
Alekhin2002 (NLO VFN 17 sets) | - | 40451-40467 | a02m_nlo | 1-15 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
Alekhin2002 (NNLO VFN 17 sets) | - | 40551-40567 | a02m_nnlo | 1-15 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABKM09 (NLO 3FLV central) | - | 40650 | abkm09_3_nlo | 0 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABKM09 (NNLO 3FLV central) | - | 40750 | abkm09_3_nnlo | 0 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABKM09 (NLO 5FLV central) | - | 40850 | abkm09_5_nlo | 0 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABKM09 (NNLO 5FLV central) | - | 40950 | abkm09_5_nnlo | 0 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABKM09 (NLO 3FLV 25 sets) | - | 40651-40675 | abkm09_3_nlo | 1-25 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABKM09 (NNLO 3FLV 25 sets) | - | 40751-40775 | abkm09_3_nnlo | 1-25 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABKM09 (NLO 5FLV 25 sets) | - | 40851-40875 | abkm09_5_nlo | 1-25 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABKM09 (NNLO 5FLV 25 sets) | - | 40951-40975 | abkm09_5_nnlo | 1-25 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABM11 (NLO 3FLV central) | - | 42000 | abm11_3n_nlo | 0 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABM11 (NLO 4FLV central) | - | 42030 | abm11_4n_nlo | 0 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABM11 (NLO 5FLV central) | - | 42060 | abm11_5n_nlo | 0 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABM11 (NNLO 3FLV central) | - | 42100 | abm11_3n_nnlo | 0 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABM11 (NNLO 4FLV central) | - | 42130 | abm11_4n_nnlo | 0 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABM11 (NNLO 5FLV central) | - | 42160 | abm11_5n_nnlo | 0 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABM11 (NLO 5FLV 28 sets) | - | 42000-42028 | abm11_5n_nlo | 1-28 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABM11 (NLO 4FLV 28 sets) | - | 42030-42058 | abm11_4n_nlo | 1-28 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABM11 (NLO 3FLV 28 sets) | - | 42060-42088 | abm11_3n_nlo | 1-28 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABM11 (NNLO 5FLV 28 sets) | - | 42100-42128 | abm11_5n_nnlo | 1-28 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABM11 (NNLO 4FLV 28 sets) | - | 42130-42158 | abm11_4n_nnlo | 1-28 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABM11 (NNLO 3FLV 28 sets) | - | 42160-42188 | abm11_3n_nnlo | 1-28 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABM11 (NLO 5FLV ALPHAS VAR. 21 sets) | - | 42200-42220 | abm11_5n_as_nlo | 0-20 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
ABM11 (NNLO 5FLV ALPHAS VAR. 17 sets) | - | 42230-42246 | abm11_5n_as_nnlo | 0-16 | 10-7 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 108 |
Botje_100 (101 sets) | 50100-50200 | - | Botje_100 | 0-100 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.00 | 1010 |
Botje_1000 (1000 sets) | 51000-51999 | - | Botje_1000 | 0-999 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.00 | 1010 |
ZEUS2002 (VFN/TR cent value) | 60000 | - | ZEUS2002_TR | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 0.3 | 2 x 105 |
ZEUS2002 (ZM cent value) | 60100 | - | ZEUS2002_ZM | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 0.3 | 2 x 105 |
ZEUS2002 (FF cent value) | 60200 | - | ZEUS2002_FF | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 0.3 | 2 x 105 |
ZEUS2005 (ZJ cent value) | 60300 | - | ZEUS2005_ZJ | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 0.3 | 2 x 105 |
ZEUS2002 (VFN/TR 22 sets) | 60001-60022 | - | ZEUS2002_TR | 1-22 | 10-6 | 1 | 0.3 | 2 x 105 |
ZEUS2002 (ZM 22 sets) | 60101-60122 | - | ZEUS2002_ZM | 1-22 | 10-6 | 1 | 0.3 | 2 x 105 |
ZEUS2002 (FF 22 sets) | 60201-60222 | - | ZEUS2002_FF | 1-22 | 10-6 | 1 | 0.3 | 2 x 105 |
ZEUS2005 (ZJ 22 sets) | 60301-60322 | - | ZEUS2005_ZJ | 1-22 | 10-6 | 1 | 0.3 | 2 x 105 |
HERAPDF01 (Combined ZEUS+H1 central value) | 60400 | - | HERAPDF01 | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 2 x 108 |
HERAPDF01 (Combined ZEUS+H1 22 sets) | 60401-60422 | - | HERAPDF01 | 1-22 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 2 x 108 |
HERAPDF01 (Combined ZEUS+H1 central value) | - | 60430 | HERAPDF01 | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 2 x 108 |
HERAPDF01 (Combined ZEUS+H1 14 variation sets) | - | 60431-60444 | HERAPDF01 | 1-14 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 2 x 108 |
HERAPDF10 (Combined ZEUS+H1 central value) | - | 60500 | HERAPDF10_EIG | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 2 x 108 |
HERAPDF10 (Combined ZEUS+H1 20 sets) | - | 60501-60520 | HERAPDF10_EIG | 1-20 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 2 x 108 |
HERAPDF10 (Combined ZEUS+H1 central value) | - | 60530 | HERAPDF10_VAR | 0 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 2 x 108 |
HERAPDF10 (Combined ZEUS+H1 13 variation sets) | - | 60531-60543 | HERAPDF10_VAR | 1-13 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 2 x 108 |
HERAPDF10 (Combined ZEUS+H1 12 alphas sets) | - | 60550-60561 | HERAPDF10_ALPHAS | 0-11 | 10-6 | 1 | 1.0 | 2 x 108 |
HERAPDF15(NNLO) (Combined ZEUS+H1 central value NNLO) | - | 60600 | HERAPDF15NNLO_EIG | 0 | 10-8 | 1 | 1.0 | 1 x 109 |
HERAPDF15(NNLO) (Combined ZEUS+H1 28 sets NNLO) | - | 60601-60628 | HERAPDF15NNLO_EIG | 1-28 | 10-8 | 1 | 1.0 | 1 x 109 |
HERAPDF15(NNLO) (Combined ZEUS+H1 central value NNLO) | - | 60630 | HERAPDF15NNLO_VAR | 0 | 10-8 | 1 | 1.0 | 1 x 109 |
HERAPDF15(NNLO) (Combined ZEUS+H1 10 variation sets NNLO) | - | 60631-60640 | HERAPDF15NNLO_VAR | 1-10 | 10-8 | 1 | 1.0 | 1 x 109 |
HERAPDF15(NNLO) (Combined ZEUS+H1 12 alphas sets NNLO) | - | 60650-60661 | HERAPDF15NNLO_ALPHAS | 0-11 | 10-8 | 1 | 1.0 | 1 x 109 |
HERAPDF15(NLO) (Combined ZEUS+H1 central value NLO) | - | 60700 | HERAPDF15NLO_EIG | 0 | 10-8 | 1 | 1.0 | 1 x 109 |
HERAPDF15(NLO) (Combined ZEUS+H1 20 sets NLO) | - | 60701-60720 | HERAPDF15NLO_EIG | 1-20 | 10-8 | 1 | 1.0 | 1 x 109 |
HERAPDF15(NLO) (Combined ZEUS+H1 central value NLO) | - | 60730 | HERAPDF15NLO_VAR | 0 | 10-8 | 1 | 1.0 | 1 x 109 |
HERAPDF15(NLO) (Combined ZEUS+H1 12 variation sets NLO) | - | 60731-60742 | HERAPDF15NLO_VAR | 1-12 | 10-8 | 1 | 1.0 | 1 x 109 |
HERAPDF15(NLO) (Combined ZEUS+H1 12 alphas sets NLO) | - | 60750-60761 | HERAPDF15NNLO_ALPHAS | 0-11 | 10-8 | 1 | 1.0 | 1 x 109 |
LHeCNLO (simulated LHeC data fit) | - | 68000 | LHECNLO_EIG | 0 | 10-9 | 1 | 1.0 | 1 x 109 |
LHeCNLO (error pdfs) | - | 68001-68024 | LHECNLO_EIG | 1-24 | 10-9 | 1 | 1.0 | 1 x 109 |
GRV98 (lo) | - | 80060 | GRV98lo | 0 | 10-9 | 1 | 0.8 | 2 x 106 |
H12000 (nlo msbar cent value) | - | 70050 | H12000ms | 0 | 5.7 x 10-5 | 1 | 1.5 | 106 |
H12000E (nlo msbar 20 sets) | - | 70051-70070 | H12000msE | 1-20 | 5.7 x 10-5 | 1 | 1.5 | 106 |
H12000 (nlo dis cent value) | - | 70150 | H12000dis | 0 | 5.7 x 10-5 | 1 | 1.5 | 106 |
H12000E (nlo dis 20 sets) | - | 70151-70170 | H12000disE | 1-20 | 5.7 x 10-5 | 1 | 1.5 | 106 |
H12000 (lo cent value) | - | 70250 | H12000lo | 0 | 5.7 x 10-5 | 1 | 1.5 | 106 |
H12000E (lo 20 sets) | - | 70251-70270 | H12000loE | 1-20 | 5.7 x 10-5 | 1 | 1.5 | 106 |
GJR08 (FF lo) | - | 80150 | GJR08lo | 0 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 0.3 | 1 x 108 |
GJR08 (VF lo) | - | 80151 | GJR08lo | 1 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 0.3 | 1 x 108 |
GJR08 (FF nlo/DIS) | - | 80152 | GJR08FFdis | 1 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 0.5 | 1 x 108 |
GJR08 (FF nlo/MSbar central value) | - | 80160 | GJR08FFnloE | 0 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 0.5 | 1 x 108 |
GJR08 (FF nlo/MSbar 26 sets) | - | 80161-80186 | GJR08FFnloE | 1-26 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 0.5 | 1 x 108 |
GJR08 (VF nlo/MSbar central value) | - | 80260 | GJR08VFnloE | 0 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 0.5 | 1 x 108 |
GJR08 (VF nlo/MSbar 26 sets) | - | 80261-80286 | GJR08VFnloE | 1-26 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 0.5 | 1 x 108 |
JR09 (FF nnlo central value) | - | 80360 | JR09FFnnloE | 0 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 0.55 | 1 x 108 |
JR09 (FF nnlo 26 sets) | - | 80361-80386 | JR09FFnnloE | 1-26 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 0.55 | 1 x 108 |
JR09 (VF nnlo central value) | - | 80460 | JR09VFnnloE | 0 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 0.55 | 1 x 108 |
JR09 (VF nnlo 26 sets) | - | 80461-80486 | JR09FFnnloE | 1-26 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 0.55 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF10 (Neutral Network 100/1000 sets) | 90000-90100 91000-92000 |
90200-90300 93000-94000 |
NNPDF10_100 NNPDF10_1000 |
0-100 0-1000 |
10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF11 (Neutral Network 100 sets) | - | 90400-90500 | NNPDF11_100 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF12 (Neutral Network 100/1000 sets) | - | 90600-90700 95000-96000 |
NNPDF12_100 NNPDF12_1000 |
0-100 0-1000 |
10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF20 (Neutral Network 100/1000 sets) | - | 90800-90900 97000-98000 |
NNPDF20_100 NNPDF20_1000 |
0-100 0-1000 |
10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF20 (Neutral Network alphas sets) | - | 190000-190100 190200-190300 190400-190500 190600-190700 190800-190900 191000-191100 191200-191300 191400-191500 191600-191700 195100-191900 |
NNPDF20_as_0114_100 NNPDF20_as_0115_100 NNPDF20_as_0116_100 NNPDF20_as_0117_100 NNPDF20_as_0118_100 NNPDF20_as_0120_100 NNPDF20_as_0121_100 NNPDF20_as_0122_100 NNPDF20_as_0123_100 NNPDF20_as_0124_100 |
0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF20 (Neutral Network separate ZEUS/H1 fit) | - | 192000-192100 | NNPDF20_heraold | 0-9 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF20 (Neutral Network DIS data fit) | - | 192200-192300 | NNPDF20_dis | 0-9 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF20 (Neutral Network DIS+DY data fit) | - | 192400-192500 | NNPDF20_dis+dy | 0-9 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF20 (Neutral Network DIS+JET data fit) | - | 192600-192700 | NNPDF20_dis+jet | 0-9 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21 (Neutral Network sets) | - | 192800-192900 192901-193901 |
NNPDF21_100 NNPDF21_1000 |
0-100 0-1000 |
10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21 (Neutral Network alphas sets) | - | 194000-194100 194200-194300 194400-194500 194600-194700 194800-194900 195000-195100 195200-195300 195400-195500 195600-195700 195800-195900 |
NNPDF21_as_0114_100 NNPDF21_as_0115_100 NNPDF21_as_0116_100 NNPDF21_as_0117_100 NNPDF21_as_0118_100 NNPDF21_as_0120_100 NNPDF21_as_0121_100 NNPDF21_as_0122_100 NNPDF21_as_0123_100 NNPDF21_as_0124_100 |
0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21 (Neutral Network m_c variation sets) | - | 196000-196100 196200-196300 196400-196500 |
NNPDF21_mc_15_100 NNPDF21_mc_16_100 NNPDF21_mc_17_100 |
0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21 (Neutral Network m_b variation sets) | - | 196600-196700 196800-196900 197000-197100 197200-197300 |
NNPDF21_mb_425_100 NNPDF21_mb_45_100 NNPDF21_mb_50_100 NNPDF21_mb_525_100 |
0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21 (Neutral Network Fixed Flavour Number sets | - | 197400-197500 197600-197700 197800-197900 |
0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21 (Neutral Network DIS data fits) | - | 198000-198100 198101-199101 |
NNPDF21_dis_100 NNPDF21_dis_1000 |
0-100 0-1000 |
10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21 (Neutral Network DIS+DY data fit) | - | 199200-199300 | NNPDF21_dis+dy_100 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21 (Neutral Network DIS+JET data fit) | - | 199400-199500 | NNPDF21_dis+jet_100 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21_lo (Neutral Network LO sets) | - | 200200-200300 200400-200500 |
NNPDF21_lo_as_119_100 NNPDF21_lo_as_130_100 |
0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21_lo* (Neutral Network LOSTAR sets) | - | 200600-200700 200800-200900 |
NNPDF21_lostar_as_119_100 NNPDF21_lostar_as_130_100 |
0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21_nnlo (Neutral Network NNLO sets) | - | 200000-200100 201000-202000 |
NNPDF21_nnlo_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_1000 |
0-100 0-1000 |
10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21_nnlo (Neutral Network m_c variation sets) | - | 205000-205100 205200-205300 205400-205500 |
NNPDF21_nnlo_mc_15_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_mc_16_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_mc_17_100 |
0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21_nnlo (Neutral Network m_b variation sets) | - | 206000-206100 206200-206300 206400-206500 206600-206700 |
NNPDF21_nnlo_mb_425_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_mb_45_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_mb_50_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_mb_525_100 |
0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21_nnlo (Neutral Network DIS NNLO data fits) | - | 207000-207100 | NNPDF21_nnlo_dis_100 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21_nnlo (Neutral Network DIS+DY NNLO data fit) | - | 207200-207300 | NNPDF21_nnlo_dis+dy_100 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21_nnlo (Neutral Network HERAONLY NNLO data fits) | - | 207400-207500 | NNPDF21_nnlo_heraonly_100 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21_nnlo (Neutral Network COLLIDER NNLO data fits) | - | 207600-207700 | NNPDF21_nnlo_collider_100 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21_nnlo (Neutral Network NNLO alphas sets) | - | 203000-203100 203200-203300 203400-203500 203600-203700 203800-203900 204000-204100 204200-204300 204400-204500 204600-204700 204800-204900 |
NNPDF21_nnlo_as_0114_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_as_0115_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_as_0116_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_as_0117_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_as_0118_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_as_0120_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_as_0121_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_as_0122_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_as_0123_100 NNPDF21_nnlo_as_0124_100 |
0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF21_nf5_nnlo (Neutral Network NNLO Nfmax=5 0+100 replicas) | - | 207800-207900 | NNPDF21_nnlo_nf5_100 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF22_nlo (Neutral Network NLO 0+100 replicas) | - | 210000-210100 | NNPDF22_nlo_100 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nlo_as_ (Neutral Network NLO 0+100 replicas) | - | 229000-229100 229200-229300 229400-229500 229600-229700 229800-229900 230000-230100 230200-230300 230400-230500 230600-230700 230800-230900 231000-231100 |
NNPDF23_nlo_as_0114 NNPDF23_nlo_as_0115 NNPDF23_nlo_as_0116 NNPDF23_nlo_as_0117 NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118 NNPDF23_nlo_as_0119 NNPDF23_nlo_as_0120 NNPDF23_nlo_as_0121 NNPDF23_nlo_as_0122 NNPDF23_nlo_as_0123 NNPDF23_nlo_as_0124 |
0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nnlo_as_ (Neutral Network NNLO 0+100 replicas) | - | 231200-231300 231400-231500 231600-231700 231800-231900 232000-232100 232200-232300 232400-232500 232600-232700 232800-232900 233000-233100 233200-233300 |
NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0114 NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0115 NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0116 NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0117 NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0118 NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0119 NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0120 NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0121 NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0122 NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0123 NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0124 |
0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nlo_noLHC_as_ (Neutral Network NLO 0+100 replicas) | - | 233400-233500 233600-233700 233800-233900 234000-234100 234200-234300 | NNPDF23_nlo_noLHC_as_0116 NNPDF23_nlo_noLHC_as_0117 NNPDF23_nlo_noLHC_as_0118 NNPDF23_nlo_noLHC_as_0119 NNPDF23_nlo_noLHC_as_0120 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nnlo_noLHC_as_ (Neutral Network NNLO 0+100 replicas) | - | 234400-234500 234600-234700 234800-234900 235000-235100 235200-235300 | NNPDF23_nnlo_noLHC_as_0116 NNPDF23_nnlo_noLHC_as_0117 NNPDF23_nnlo_noLHC_as_0118 NNPDF23_nnlo_noLHC_as_0119 NNPDF23_nnlo_noLHC_as_0120 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nlo_collider_as_ (Neutral Network NLO 0+100 replicas) | - | 235400-235500 235600-235700 235800-235900 236000-236100 236200-236300 | NNPDF23_nlo_collider_as_0116 NNPDF23_nlo_collider_as_0117 NNPDF23_nlo_collider_as_0118 NNPDF23_nlo_collider_as_0119 NNPDF23_nlo_collider_as_0120 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nnlo_collider_as_ (Neutral Network NNLO 0+100 replicas) | - | 236400-236500 236600-236700 236800-236900 237000-237100 237200-237300 | NNPDF23_nnlo_collider_as_0116 NNPDF23_nnlo_collider_as_0117 NNPDF23_nnlo_collider_as_0118 NNPDF23_nnlo_collider_as_0119 NNPDF23_nnlo_collider_as_0120 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF4_as_ (Neutral Network NLO 0+100 replicas) | - | 237400-237500 237600-237700 237800-237900 238000-238100 238200-238300 | NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF4_as_0116 NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF4_as_0117 NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF4_as_0118 NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF4_as_0119 NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF4_as_0120 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nnlo_FFN_NF4_as_ (Neutral Network NNLO 0+100 replicas) | - | 238400-238500 238600-238700 238800-238900 239000-239100 239200-239300 | NNPDF23_nnlo_FFN_NF4_as_0116 NNPDF23_nnlo_FFN_NF4_as_0117 NNPDF23_nnlo_FFN_NF4_as_0118 NNPDF23_nnlo_FFN_NF4_as_0119 NNPDF23_nnlo_FFN_NF4_as_0120 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF5_as_ (Neutral Network NLO 0+100 replicas) | - | 239400-239500 239600-239700 239800-239900 240000-240100 230200-240300 | NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF5_as_0116 NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF5_as_0117 NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF5_as_0118 NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF5_as_0119 NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF5_as_0120 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nnlo_FFN_NF5_as_ (Neutral Network NNLO 0+100 replicas) | - | 240400-240500 240600-240700 240800-240900 241000-241100 241200-241300 | NNPDF23_nnlo_FFN_NF5_as_0116 NNPDF23_nnlo_FFN_NF5_as_0117 NNPDF23_nnlo_FFN_NF5_as_0118 NNPDF23_nnlo_FFN_NF5_as_0119 NNPDF23_nnlo_FFN_NF5_as_0120 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nlo_as_?_mc (Neutral Network NLO 0+100 replicas for Monte Carlos) | - | 241400-241500 241600-241700 241800-241900 242000-242100 242200-242300 | NNPDF23_nlo_as_0116_mc NNPDF23_nlo_as_0117_mc NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_mc NNPDF23_nlo_as_0119_mc NNPDF23_nlo_as_0120_mc | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF4_as_?_mc (Neutral Network NLO 0+100 replicas for Monte Carlos) | - | 242400-242500 242600-242700 242800-242900 243000-243100 243200-243300 | NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF4_as_0116_mc NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF4_as_0117_mc NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF4_as_0118_mc NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF4_as_0119_mc NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF4_as_0120_mc | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF5_as_?_mc (Neutral Network NLO 0+100 replicas for Monte Carlos) | - | 243400-243500 243600-243700 243800-243900 244000-244100 244200-244300 | NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF5_as_0116_mc NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF5_as_0117_mc NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF5_as_0118_mc NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF5_as_0119_mc NNPDF23_nlo_FFN_NF5_as_0120_mc | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nlo_as_?_qed (Neutral Network NLO 0+100 replicas for Monte Carlos) | - | 244400-244500 244600-244700 244800-244900 | NNPDF23_nlo_as_0117_qed NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_qed NNPDF23_nlo_as_0119_qed | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nlo_as_?_qed_neutron (Neutral Network NLO 0+100 replicas for Monte Carlos) | - | 245000-245100 245200-245300 245400-245500 | NNPDF23_nlo_as_0117_qed_neutron NNPDF23_nlo_as_0118_qed_neutron NNPDF23_nlo_as_0119_qed_neutron | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nnlo_as_?_qed (Neutral Network NNLO 0+100 replicas for Monte Carlos) | - | 245600-245700 245800-245900 246000-246100 | NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0117_qed NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0118_qed NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0119_qed | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDF23_nnlo_as_?_qed_neutron (Neutral Network NNLO 0+100 replicas for Monte Carlos) | - | 246200-246300 246400-246500 246600-246700 | NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0117_qed_neutron NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0118_qed_neutron NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0119_qed_neutron | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
NNPDFpol10 (Neutral Network NLO 0+100 replicas for Monte Carlos) | - | 250000-250100 | NNPDFpol1-_100 | 0-100 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 1 x 108 |
Nuclear PDFs
PDF set | .LHpdf | .LHgrid | File Name | Member | Xmin | Xmax | Q2min GeV2 | Q2max GeV2 |
HKN - LO | - | 100051-100070 | HKNlo | 1-19 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1 x 108 |
HKN - NLO | - | 100151-100170 | HKNnlo | 1-19 | 10-9 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1 x 108 |
Pion PDFs
PDF set | .LHpdf | .LHgrid | File Name | Member | Xmin | Xmax | Q2min GeV2 | Q2max GeV2 |
OW-P Set 1 LO | - | 211 | OWPI | 0/1 | 5 x 10-3 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 2 x 103 |
OW-P Set 2 LO | - | 212 | OWPI | 2 | 5 x 10-3 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 2 x 103 |
SMRS-P 1 NLO | - | 231 | SMRSPI | 1 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 5.0 | 1.31 x 106 |
SMRS-P 2 NLO | - | 232 | SMRSPI | 0/2 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 5.0 | 1.31 x 106 |
SMRS-P 2 NLO | - | 233 | SMRSPI | 3 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 5.0 | 1.31 x 106 |
GRV-P HO NLO | - | 251 | GRVPI1 | 0/1 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 0.3 | 106 |
GRV-P HO LO | - | 252 | GRVPI0 | 0/1 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 0.25 | 106 |
ABFKW-P Set 1 NLO | - | 261 | ABFKWPI | 0/1 | 10-3 | 0.9998 | 2.0 | 108 |
ABFKW-P Set 2 NLO | - | 262 | ABFKWPI | 2 | 10-3 | 0.9998 | 2.0 | 108 |
ABFKW-P Set 3 NLO | - | 263 | ABFKWPI | 3 | 10-3 | 0.9998 | 2.0 | 108 |
Photon PDFs
PDF set | .LHpdf | .LHgrid | File Name | Member | Xmin | Xmax | Q2min GeV2 | Q2max GeV2 |
DO-G Set 1 LO | - | 311 | DOG0 | 0/1 | 10-5 | 0.9 | 10.0 | 104 |
DO-G Set 2 NLO | - | 312 | DOG1 | 0/1 | 10-5 | 0.9 | 10.0 | 104 |
DG-G Set 1 LO | - | 321 | DGG | 0/1 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 1.0 | 104 |
DG-G Set 2 LO | - | 322 | DGG | 2 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 1.0 | 50.0 |
DG-G Set 3 LO | - | 323 | DGG | 3 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 20.0 | 500.0 |
DG-G Set 4 LO | - | 324 | DGG | 4 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 200.0 | 104 |
LAC-G Set 1 LO | - | 331 | LACG | 0/1 | 10-4 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 105 |
LAC-G Set 2 LO | - | 332 | LACG | 2 | 10-4 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 105 |
LAC-G Set 3 LO | - | 333 | LACG | 3 | 10-4 | 0.9998 | 1.0 | 105 |
GAL-G LO | - | 334 | LACG | 4 | 10-4 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 105 |
GS-G NLO | - | 341 | GSG1 | 0/1 | 5 x 10-4 | 0.9998 | 5.3 | 108 |
GS-G LO Set 1 | - | 342 | GSG0 | 0/1 | 5 x 10-4 | 0.9998 | 5.3 | 108 |
GS-G LO Set 2 | - | 343 | GSG0 | 2 | 5 x 10-4 | 0.9998 | 5.3 | 108 |
GS-G-96 NLO | - | 344 | GSG961 | 0/1 | 5 x 10-4 | 0.9998 | 5.3 | 108 |
GS-G-96 LO | - | 345 | GSG960 | 0/1 | 5 x 10-4 | 0.9998 | 5.3 | 108 |
GRV-G 1HO DIS NLO | - | 351 | GRVG1 | 1 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 0.3 | 106 |
GRV-G HO DIS NLO | - | 352 | GRVG1 | 0/2 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 0.3 | 106 |
GRV-G LO | - | 353 | GRVG0 | 1 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 0.25 | 106 |
GRS-G LO | - | 354 | GRVG0 | 0/2 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 0.6 | 5 x 104 |
ACFGP-G HO NLO | - | 361 | ACFGPG | 1 | 1.37 x 10-3 | 0.9986 | 2.0 | 5.5 x 105 |
ACFGP-G HO-mc NLO | - | 362 | ACFGPG | 2 | 1.37 x 10-3 | 0.9986 | 2.0 | 5.5 x 105 |
ACFGP-G HO NLO | - | 363 | ACFGPG | 0/3 | 1.37 x 10-3 | 0.9986 | 2.0 | 5.5 x 105 |
WHIT-G 1 LO | - | 381 | WHITG | 0/1 | 10-3 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 2.5 x 103 |
WHIT-G 2 LO | - | 382 | WHITG | 2 | 10-3 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 2.5 x 103 |
WHIT-G 3 LO | - | 383 | WHITG | 3 | 10-3 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 2.5 x 103 |
WHIT-G 4 LO | - | 384 | WHITG | 4 | 10-3 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 2.5 x 103 |
WHIT-G 5 LO | - | 385 | WHITG | 5 | 10-3 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 2.5 x 103 |
WHIT-G 6 LO | - | 386 | WHITG | 6 | 10-3 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 2.5 x 103 |
SaS-G 1D (ver.1) LO | - | 391 | SASG | 1 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 0.36 | 5 x 104 |
SaS-G 1M (ver.1) LO | - | 392 | SASG | 2 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 0.36 | 5 x 104 |
SaS-G 2D (ver.1) LO | - | 393 | SASG | 3 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 5 x 104 |
SaS-G 2M (ver.1) LO | - | 394 | SASG | 4 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 5 x 104 |
SaS-G 1D (ver.2) LO | - | 395 | SASG | 5 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 0.36 | 5 x 104 |
SaS-G 1M (ver.2) LO | - | 396 | SASG | 0/6 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 0.36 | 5 x 104 |
SaS-G 2D (ver.2) LO | - | 397 | SASG | 7 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 5 x 104 |
SaS-G 2M (ver.2) LO | - | 398 | SASG | 8 | 10-5 | 0.9998 | 4.0 | 5 x 104 |
The example tar file can be downloaded from the website. Untarring the file will create the directory Examples which contains the source code of the 3 examples together with the makefile to generate the executables. Note that the pathnames in the makefile have to be edited for proper execution. When running an example for the first time with the evolution code QCDNUM a grid has to be calculated. This might take some time depending on the grid size. Running with the PDF set after that the initialization time is much shorter as everything can be read in from an external file.
The executable example.x is made by the command make 1. The first example code simply runs through all 100 PDF members of the Alekhin set [6], printing out aS(MZ) and the gluon PDF momentum densities at a few (x,Q) points:
program example1 implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) character name*64 real*8 f(-6:6) * name='cteq61.LHpdf' call InitPDFsetByName(name) * QMZ=91.18d0 write(*,*) call numberPDF(N) do i=0,N write(*,*) '---------------------------------------------' call InitPDF(i) write(*,*) 'PDF set ',i write(*,*) a=alphasPDF(QMZ) write(*,*) 'alpha_S(M_Z) = ',a write(*,*) write(*,*) 'x*up' write(*,*) ' x Q=10 GeV Q=100 GeV Q=1000 GeV' do x=0.1d0,0.95d0,0.1d0 Q=10d0 call evolvePDF(x,Q,f) u1=f(2) Q=100d0 call evolvePDF(x,Q,f) u2=f(2) Q=1000d0 call evolvePDF(x,Q,f) u3=f(2) write(*,*) x,u1,u2,u3 enddo enddo * end
Warning: only use the following on the Botje99, Fermi02 and Alekhin00 sets!
The method os NOT appiclable to other error sets such as MRST and CTEQ
The executable example.x is made by the command make 2. The second example calculates the average value of the gluon PDF and its standard deviation for several x values at Q=100 GeV using the Botje set [7]. Note that the program calculates the quantities in two manners. First by placing the loop over the PDF members inside the loop over the parton momentum fractions. Second, by exchanging this order and storing the first and second moments in an array depending on the x value. The second method is considerably faster in computing time as each PDF member is only initialized once.
Also calculated is the correlation of the gluon momentum PDF between x=0.001 and x=0.01 and the correlation between the strange quark momentum PDF at x=0.001 and aS(Q) at Q=10 GeV.
program example2 implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) character*32 name real*8 f(-6:6),mom1(9),mom2(9) * Q=100d0 name='../PDFsets/Botje_100.LHpdf' call InitPDFset(name) * call numberPDF(Nmem) write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Calculating the gluon momentum PDF average <g>' write(*,*) 'and standard deviaton SD(g) for several x values' write(*,*) 'at Q=100 GeV' write(*,*) write(*,*) '1. The slow way:' write(*,*) write(*,*) ' x <g> SD(g)' do x=0.01d0,0.095d0,0.01d0 gmom1=0d0 gmom2=0d0 do i=1,Nmem call InitPDF(i) call evolvePDF(x,Q,f) gmom1=gmom1+f(0) gmom2=gmom2+f(0)**2 enddo av=gmom1/Nmem sd=sqrt(gmom2/Nmem-av**2) write(*,*) x,av,sd enddo write(*,*) write(*,*) '2. The fast way:' write(*,*) write(*,*) ' x <g> SD(g)' do i=1,9 mom1(i)=0d0 mom2(i)=0d0 enddo do i=1,Nmem call InitPDF(i) ic=0 do x=0.01d0,0.095d0,0.01d0 call evolvePDF(x,Q,f) ic=ic+1 mom1(ic)=mom1(ic)+f(0) mom2(ic)=mom2(ic)+f(0)**2 enddo enddo ic=0 do x=0.01d0,0.095d0,0.01d0 ic=ic+1 av=mom1(ic)/Nmem sd=sqrt(mom2(ic)/Nmem-av**2) write(*,*) x,av,sd enddo * Q=10d0 x1=0.001d0 x2=0.01d0 write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Calculating the normalized correlation coefficient' write(*,*) '<g1g2> between g(x=0.001) and g(x=0.01) and' write(*,*) '<sAlpha> between the strange quark momentum PDF' write(*,*) 'at x=0.001 and alpha_S(Q) for Q=10 GeV' write(*,*) avg1=0d0 avg2=0d0 avs=0d0 avAs=0d0 sdg1=0d0 sdg2=0d0 sds=0d0 sdAs=0d0 Cg1g2=0d0 CsAs=0d0 j=3 do i=1,Nmem call InitPDF(i) As=alphasPDF(Q) call evolvePDF(x1,Q,f) g1=f(0) s=f(j) call evolvePDF(x2,Q,f) g2=f(0) avAs=avAs+As avg1=avg1+g1 avg2=avg2+g2 avs=avs+s sdAs=sdAs+As**2 sdg1=sdg1+g1**2 sdg2=sdg2+g2**2 sds=sds+s**2 CsAs=CsAs+s*As Cg1g2=Cg1g2+g1*g2 enddo avAs=avAs/Nmem avs=avs/Nmem avg1=avg1/Nmem avg2=avg2/Nmem sdAs=sdAs/Nmem-avAs**2 sds=sds/Nmem-avs**2 sdg1=sdg1/Nmem-avg1**2 sdg2=sdg2/Nmem-avg2**2 CsAs=CsAs/Nmem-avs*avAs Cg1g2=Cg1g2/Nmem-avg1*avg2 write(*,*) '<g1g2> = ',Cg1g2/sqrt(sdg1*sdg2) write(*,*) '<sAlpha> = ',CsAs/sqrt(sds*sdAs) end
The executable example.x is made by the command make 3. The third example prints out the same as the first example. However it uses a wrapper around the LHAPDF code. The single call wrapper takes care of the initialization calls. Note that the number of PDF members is only known after the first call to the subroutine parden. Also the aS value is only known after the first call to the subroutine parden for a specific member PDF.
program example3 implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) real*8 f(-6:6) * QMZ=91.71d0 Nmem=100 write(*,*) do i=1,Nmem write(*,*) '---------------------------------------------' write(*,*) 'PDF set ',i write(*,*) write(*,*) 'x*Gluon' write(*,*) ' x Q=10 GeV Q=100 GeV Q=1000 GeV' do x=0.01d0,0.095d0,0.01d0 Q=10d0 call parden(x,Q,f,i) g1=f(0) Q=100d0 call parden(x,Q,f,i) g2=f(0) Q=1000d0 call parden(x,Q,f,i) g3=f(0) write(*,*) x,g1,g2,g3 enddo a=alphasPDF(QMZ) write(*,*) write(*,*) 'alpha_S(M_Z) = ',a write(*,*) enddo * end * subroutine parden(x,Q,f,imem) implicit none character*32 name/'../PDFsets/Alekhin_100.LHpdf'/ real*8 x,Q,f(-6:6),alfas integer imem,init/0/,lmem/-1/ save init,lmem * if (init.eq.0) then init=1 call InitPDFset(name) endif if (imem.ne.lmem) then lmem=imem call InitPDF(lmem) endif call evolvePDF(x,Q,f) return * end
This program illustrates using the LHAGLUE routines ro repeat Example 1.
program example4 c c using lhaglue to do example 1 c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) character*20 parm(20) double precision value(20) * parm(1)='DEFAULT' call SetLHAPARM('SILENT') c parm(19)='SILENT' val = 10100 do i=0,40 value(1)=val+i write(*,*) '---------------------------------------------' call pdfset(parm,value) if (i.eq.0) call getdesc() qmz = 91.71d0 a = alphasPDF(qmz) print *,'Alpha_s(Mz)=',a write(*,*) 'x*up' write(*,*) ' x Q2=10 GeV Q=100 GeV Q=1000 GeV' do x=0.1d0,0.95d0,0.1d0 Q=10.0d0 call structm(x,q,upv,dnv,usea,dsea,str,chm,bot,top,glu) g1=upv+usea Q=100d0 call structm(x,q,upv,dnv,usea,dsea,str,chm,bot,top,glu) g2=upv+usea Q=1000d0 call structm(x,q,upv,dnv,usea,dsea,str,chm,bot,top,glu) g3=upv+usea write(*,*) x,g1,g2,g3 enddo enddo * end
This program illustrates multiset initialisation LHAglue/LHAPDF.
program example5 c c using lhaglue for 3 different PDF sets proton/photon/pion c using lhaglue for 3 different PDF sets proton/photon/pion c using setpdfpath to define the path c using PDFsta for statistics c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) character*20 parm(20) character name*64 double precision value(20),g(3) integer inset(3) data inset/20200,391,231/ common/W50513/xmin,xmax,q2min,q2max * parm(1)='DEFAULT' call setlhaparm('SILENT') call setpdfpath('../PDFsets') qmz = 91.180d0 ip2 = 0 p2 = 0.0d0 do j=1,3 print *,'PDF set ',j,' is PDF set number ',inset(j) value(1)=inset(j) call pdfset(parm,value) call getdescm(j) call getlam4m(j,0,xlam4) call getlam5m(j,0,xlam5) a=alphasPDF(QMZ) print *,'PDF number, alpha_s(mz), xmin, xmax, q2min, q2max, lambda4, lambda5' print *,value(1),a,xmin,xmax,q2* call PDFsta end wmin,q2max,xlam4,xlam5 write(*,*) '---------------------------------------------' enddo Q=100.0d0 print *,'x*gluon at Q = 100 GeV' print *,'PDF sets: ',(inset(j),j=1,3) write(*,*) '---------------------------------------------' do x=0.1d0,0.95d0,0.1d0 do j=1,3 value(1)=inset(j) call pdfset(parm,value) if(value(1).ge.300.and.value(1).le.399) then call structp(x,q2,p2,ip2,upv,dnv,usea,dsea,str,chm,bot,top,glu) else call structm(x,q,upv,dnv,usea,dsea,str,chm,bot,top,glu) endif g(j)=glu enddo write(*,*) x,(g(j),j=1,3) enddo * call PDFsta end
1W. Giele, Fermilab, giele@fnal.gov and M.R. Whalley, Durham U, m.r.whalley@durham.ac.uk
2Developed by D. Bourilkov and C. Group, University of Florida hep-ph/0305126.
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version 3.06.
On 5 Apr 2002, 11:34.