subroutine HERAGRIDevolve(xin,qin,pdf) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) include '' double precision parm(nopmax) character*16 name(nmxset) integer nmem(nmxset),ndef(nmxset),mmem common/NAME/name,nmem,ndef,mmem CHARACTER*80 LINE dimension pdf(-6:6) integer init,set,i,j,k,l,nset,iset parameter(nhess=20) double precision fgrid(0:nhess,161,161,0:7),grid(322) double precision agrid(161),alfas,Qalfa common/fgridz/fgrid double precision up,dn,usea,dsea,str,chm,bot,glu double precision heragrid double precision qq(5),yntmp(5) real*8 mc,mc2,mb,mb2,mt,mt2,mz,mz2,alfa0,scale0 COMMON/QCCONS/ & &PI,PROTON,EUTRON,UCLEON,UDSCBT(6),AAM2H,BBM2H,AAM2L,BBM2L, & &AAAR2,BBBR2,FL_FAC,CBMSTF(4:7),CHARGE(4:7), & &C1S3,C2S3,C4S3,C5S3,C8S3,C11S3,C14S3,C16S3,C20S3,C22S3,C28S3, & &C38S3,C40S3,C44S3,C52S3,C136S3,C11S6,C2S9,C4S9,C10S9,C14S9,C16S9, & &C40S9,C44S9,C62S9,C112S9,C182S9,C11S12,C35S18,C61S12,C215S1, & &C29S12,CPI2S3,CPIA,CPIB,CPIC,CPID,CPIE,CPIF,CCA,CCF,CTF,CATF,CFTF save x=xin q2=qin*qin call getnset(iset) up = HERAGRID(x,Q2,grid,1) dn = HERAGRID(x,Q2,grid,2) usea = HERAGRID(x,Q2,grid,3) dsea = HERAGRID(x,Q2,grid,4) if(name(iset)(1:10).eq.'HERAGRID10') then up = up + usea dn = dn + dsea endif str = HERAGRID(x,Q2,grid,5) chm = HERAGRID(x,Q2,grid,6) bot = HERAGRID(x,Q2,grid,7) glu = HERAGRID(x,Q2,grid,0) pdf(-6) = 0.0d0 pdf(6) = 0.0d0 pdf(-5) = bot pdf(5) = bot pdf(-4) = chm pdf(4) = chm pdf(-3) = str pdf(3) = str pdf(-2) = usea pdf(2) = up pdf(-1) = dsea pdf(1) = dn pdf(0) = glu return ! !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc entry HERAGRIDread(nset) ! call getnmem(nset,imem) read(1,*)nmem(nset),ndef(nset) do iq=1,23 read(1,*) (grid(161+(iq-1)*7+ii),ii=1,7) enddo do jx=1,23 read(1,*) (grid((jx-1)*7+ii),ii=1,7) enddo !read in to alphas grid do iq=1,23 read(1,*) (agrid((iq-1)*7+ii),ii=1,7) enddo DO Iq=0,160 Q2=10**(8.30103/160D0*Iq ) grid(162+iq)=q2 enddo DO jx=0,160 IF(Jx.LE.80)THEN X=10**(6D0/120D0*Jx-6D0) ELSE X=10**(2D0/80D0*(Jx-80)-201D-2) ENDIF grid(1+jx)=x ENDDO do ns=0,nmem(nset) do k = 0,7 do IQ=1,161 do JX=1,23 read(1,*)(fgrid(ns,(jx-1)*7+ii,iq,k),ii=1,7) enddo enddo enddo enddo return ! !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc entry HERAGRIDalfa(alfas,Qalfa) call getnset(iset) q2 = Qalfa*Qalfa nf=6 if ( nf=5 if ( nf=4 if ( nf=3 call GetOrderAsM(iset,iord) iord=iord+1 call listPDF(iset,imem,parm) alfa0=parm(1) alfas=A0TOA1(q2,mz2,alfa0,iord,nf,ierr) return ! !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc entry HERAGRIDinit(Eorder,Q2fit) call getnset(iset) mz = 91.187d0 mz2=mz*mz call getQmassM(iset,4,mc) call getQmassM(iset,5,mb) call getQmassM(iset,6,mt) mc2=mc*mc mb2=mb*mb mt2=mt*mt UDSCBT(1) = 0.005 UDSCBT(2) = 0.01 UDSCBT(3) = 0.3 UDSCBT(4) = mc UDSCBT(5) = mb UDSCBT(6) = mt return ! !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc entry HERAGRIDpdf(mem) imem = mem call getnset(iset) call setnmem(iset,imem) return ! 1000 format(5e13.5) end ! !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! attempt at polynomial (order 4) interpolation based on polint double precision function HERAGRID(x,Q2,grid,n) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer iset,imem,nhess parameter(nhess=20) double precision grid(322),x,Q2 double precision fgrid(0:nhess,161,161,0:7) double precision ya(5,5),yntmp(5),ymtmp(5) common/fgridz/fgrid npt = 5 call getnset(iset) call getnmem(iset,imem) ! find the x bins around x nxlow = -1 nxhi = 162 do while ( nxmid = (nxlow+nxhi)/2 if( then nxlow = nxmid else nxhi = nxmid endif enddo ! find the q2 bins around q2 nqlow = -1 nqhi = 162 do while ( nqmid = (nqlow+nqhi)/2 if( then nqlow = nqmid else nqhi = nqmid endif enddo ! fill the temp 4x4 funtion array (allowing for endpoints and extrapolation) if(nxlow.le.0) nxlow=1 if( nxlow=160 if(nxlow.eq.1) then nxbot = 1 elseif(nxlow.eq.2) then nxbot = 2 else if(nxlow.eq.160) then nxbot = 4 else nxbot = 3 endif endif if(nqlow.le.0) nqlow=1 if( nqlow=160 if(nqlow.eq.1) then nqbot = 1 elseif(nqlow.eq.2) then nqbot = 2 else if(nqlow.eq.160) then nqbot = 4 else nqbot = 3 endif endif do nx=1,5 do nq=1,5 ya(nx,nq) = fgrid(imem,nxlow+nx-nxbot,nqlow+nq-nqbot,n) enddo enddo do j=1,5 do k=1,5 yntmp(k)=ya(j,k) enddo call herapolint(grid(161+nqlow-nqbot+1),yntmp,npt,q2,ymtmp(j),dy) enddo call herapolint(grid(nxlow-nxbot+1),ymtmp,npt,x,y,dy) heragrid=y return end !========================================================= SUBROUTINE HERAPOLINT (XA,YA,N,X,Y,DY) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) ! Adapted from "Numerical Recipes" PARAMETER (NMAX=10) DIMENSION XA(N),YA(N),C(NMAX),D(NMAX) NS=1 DIF=ABS(X-XA(1)) DO 11 I=1,N DIFT=ABS(X-XA(I)) IF (DIFT.LT.DIF) THEN NS=I DIF=DIFT ENDIF C(I)=YA(I) D(I)=YA(I) 11 CONTINUE Y=YA(NS) NS=NS-1 DO 13 M=1,N-1 DO 12 I=1,N-M HO=XA(I)-X HP=XA(I+M)-X W=C(I+1)-D(I) DEN=HO-HP IF(DEN.EQ.0.) RETURN DEN=W/DEN D(I)=HP*DEN C(I)=HO*DEN 12 CONTINUE IF (2*NS.LT.N-M)THEN DY=C(NS+1) ELSE DY=D(NS) NS=NS-1 ENDIF Y=Y+DY 13 CONTINUE RETURN END !=========================================================