First download the required gzipped tar file (eg lhapdf-v.r.p.tar.gz) from the downloads section (either with or without the PDFsets as required). Then do the following:-
tar -xvzf lhapdf-v.r.p.tar.gz to unpack this into the directory lhapdf-v.r.p to change directory (v.r.p = version.revision.patch, eg 5.3.1).
If you have root priviledge and want the installed files to go by default into /usr/local then do:
If you do not have root priviledge and/or want the files installed into a different directory then do:
./configure --prefix=/path/to/directory note: this should be a different directory to the 'lhapdf-v.r.p' directory, otherwise the install step will not work.
If you want to install a memory light version to work with mainly single pdfs then use:
./configure --prefix=/path/to/directory --enable-low-memory
If you want to install with as max number of set different from the default of 3 then use:
./configure --prefix=/path/to/directory --with-max-num-pdfsets=N
From version 5.8.0 onwards there is the additional configuration option to limit the virtual memory footprint
of LHAPDF by building with only the
code for selected PDFs as follows:
./configure --prefix=/path/to/directory -enable-pdfsets=LIST
where LIST is a comma separated list chosen from:
mrst mrst06 mrst98 mrstqed cteq grv nnpdf gjr h1 zeus h1 hera alekhin botje fermi hkn pions photons
Note that -ve values in the list take precedence and exclude the selected PDF set.
Any of the above configuration options can of course be combined to tailor the build to your requirements.
Then do:
make install
The following directories/files should now have been installed in your selected installation directory.
From version 5.3.0 onwards additionally the following files are installed:
If you wish to install the various components into different directories than above, the following options to ./configure (as well as --prefix=) can be used:
--bindir=DIR --datadir=DIR --libdir=DIR
Note that DIR are absolute paths to the required directories and lhapdf-config will automatically handle these paths. More details are given in the INSTALL file in the downloaded package.