! -*- F90 -*- ! LHAGLUE Interface to LHAPDF library of modern parton ! density functions (PDF) with uncertainties ! ! Authors for v4: Dimitri Bourilkov, Craig Group, Mike Whalley ! ! Authors for v3: Dimitri Bourilkov, Craig Group, Mike Whalley ! ! Author for v1 and v2: Dimitri Bourilkov bourilkov@mailaps.org ! University of Florida ! ! HERWIG interface by Dimitri Bourilkov and Craig Group ! ! New numbering scheme and upgrade for LHAPDF v2.1 ! by Dimitri Bourilkov and Mike Whalley ! ! For more information, or when you cite this interface, currently ! the official reference is: ! D.Bourilkov, "Study of Parton Density Function Uncertainties with ! LHAPDF and PYTHIA at LHC", hep-ph/0305126. ! ! The official LHAPDF page is: ! ! http://durpdg.dur.ac.uk/lhapdf/index.html ! ! The interface contains four subroutines (similar to PDFLIB). ! It can be used seamlessly by Monte Carlo generators ! interfaced to PDFLIB or in stand-alone mode. ! ! For initialization (called once) ! ! PDFSET(PARM,VALUE) ! ! For the proton/pion structure functions ! ! STRUCTM(X,Q,UPV,DNV,USEA,DSEA,STR,CHM,BOT,TOP,GLU) ! ! For the photon structure functions ! ! STRUCTP(X,Q2,P2,IP2,UPV,DNV,USEA,DSEA,STR,CHM,BOT,TOP,GLU) ! ! For statistics ON structure functions (under/over-flows) ! ! PDFSTA ! ! This interface can be invoked in 3 ways depending ! on the value of PARM(1) provided by the user when ! calling PDFSET(PARM,VALUE): ! ! For PYTHIA: PARM(1).EQ.'NPTYPE' ! (this is set automatically by PYTHIA) ! ! For HERWIG: PARM(1).EQ.'HWLHAPDF' ! (set by the USER e.g. in the main program like this: ! AUTPDF(1) = 'HWLHAPDF' ! AUTPDF(2) = 'HWLHAPDF' ) ! ! For Stand-alone: PARM(1).EQ.'DEFAULT' ! (can be used for PDF studies or when interfacing ! new generators) ! ! The LHAPDF set/member is selected depending on the value of: ! ! PYTHIA: ABS(MSTP(51)) - proton ! ABS(MSTP(53)) - pion ! ABS(MSTP(55)) - photon ! ! HERWIG: ABS(INT(VALUE(1))) ! ! STAND-ALONE: ABS(INT(VALUE(1))) ! ! ! CONTROL switches: ! ================== ! ! THE LOCATION OF THE LHAPDF LIBRARY HAS TO BE SPECIFIED ! AS DESCRIBED BELOW (the rest is optional) ! ! if the user does nothing, sensible defaults ! are active; to change the behaviour, the corresponding ! values of LHAPARM() should be set to the values given below ! ! Location of the LHAPDF library of PDFs (pathname): ! uses common block /LHAPDFC/ ! ! If the user does nothing => default = subdir PDFsets of the ! current directory (can be real subdir ! OR a soft link to the real location) ! If the user sets LHAPATH => supplied by the USER who defines the ! path in common block COMMON/LHAPDFC/LHAPATH ! BEFORE calling PDFSET ! ! Other controls: ! =============== ! use common block /LHACONTROL/ ! ! Collect statistics on under/over-flow requests for PDFs ! outside their validity ranges in X and Q**2 ! (call PDFSTA at end of run to print it out) ! ! LHAPARM(16).EQ.'NOSTAT' => No statistics (faster) ! LHAPARM(16).NE.'NOSTAT' => Default: collect statistics ! ! Option to use the values for the strong coupling alpha_s ! as computed in LHAPDF in the MC generator ! (to ensure uniformity between the MC generator and the PDF set) ! WARNING: implemented ONLY for PYTHIA in LHAPDFv4 ! ! LHAPARM(17).EQ.'LHAPDF' => Use alpha_s from LHAPDF ! LHAPARM(17).NE.'LHAPDF' => Default (same as LHAPDF v1/v3) ! ! Extrapolation of PDFs outside LHAPDF validity range given by ! [Xmin,Xmax] and [Q2min,Q2max]; DEFAULT => PDFs "frozen" at the ! boundaries ! ! LHAPARM(18).EQ.'EXTRAPOLATE' => Extrapolate PDFs on OWN RISK ! WARNING: Crazy values can be returned ! ! Printout of initialization information in PDFSET (by default) ! ! LHAPARM(19).EQ.'SILENT' => No printout (silent mode) ! LHAPARM(19).EQ.'LOWKEY' => Print 5 times (almost silent mode) ! ! !********************************************************************* ! ! $Id: lhaglue.f 748 2010-11-29 15:19:05Z whalley $ ! ! $Log$ ! Revision 1.7 2005/12/02 14:50:54 whalley ! Changes for new CTEQ code/AB sets ! ! Revision 1.6 2005/10/18 15:35:48 whalley ! fix to allow LHAPATH to be user defined as well as lhapdf-config ! ! Revision 1.5 2005/10/18 11:47:48 whalley ! Change to only set LHAPATH once per run ! ! Revision 1996/10/30 08:29:06 cernlib ! Version 7.04 ! ! Revision 1996/04/12 15:29:26 plothow ! Version 7.01 ! ! v5.0 06-Oct-2005 Major change to allow multiset-initializations ! v4.0 28-Apr-2005 PDFSTA routine; option to use Alfa_s from LHAPDF ! v4.0 21-Mar-2005 Photon/pion/new p PDFs, updated for LHAPDF v4 ! v3.1 26-Apr-2004 New numbering scheme, updated for LHAPDF v2/v3 ! v3.0 23-Jan-2004 HERWIG interface added ! v2.0 20-Sep-2003 PDFLIB style adopted ! v1.0 05-Mar-2003 First working version from PYTHIA to LHAPDF v1 ! ! interface to LHAPDF library !********************************************************************* ! PDFSET ! Initialization for use of parton distributions ! according to the LHAPDF interface. ! ! v4.0 28-Apr-2005 Option to use Alfa_s from LHAPDF ! v4.0 21-Mar-2005 Photon/pion/new p PDFs, updated for LHAPDF v4 ! v3.1 26-Apr-2004 New numbering scheme ! v3.0 23-Jan-2004 HERWIG interface added ! ! Interface to LHAPDF library subroutine pdfset(parm,value) ! Double precision and integer declarations. implicit double precision(a-h, o-z) implicit integer(i-n) ! Common blocks include 'commonlhapdf.inc' include 'commonlhasets.inc' include 'commonlhapdfc.inc' include 'commonlhacontrol.inc' include 'commonlhaglsta.inc' ! additions for multiset use double precision xxmin(nmxset),xxmax(nmxset),qq2min(nmxset),qq2max(nmxset) save xxmin,xxmax,qq2min,qq2max ! Commonblocks. common/pydat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200) save /pydat1/ common/pypars/mstp(200),parp(200),msti(200),pari(200) save /pypars/ ! following 2 for earlier Pythia versions common/ludat1/mstu5(200),paru5(200),mstj5(200),parj5(200) save /ludat1/ ! Interface to LHAPDFLIB. double precision qcdlha4, qcdlha5 integer nfllha common/lhapdfr/qcdlha4, qcdlha5, nfllha save /lhapdfr/ integer lhaextrp common/lhapdfe/lhaextrp save /lhapdfe/ integer lhasilent common/lhasilent/lhasilent save /lhasilent/ ! Interface to PDFLIB. common/w50511/ nptypepdfl,ngrouppdfl,nsetpdfl,modepdfl,nflpdfl,lopdfl,tmaspdfl save /w50511/ double precision tmaspdfl ! Interface to PDFLIB. common/w50512/qcdl4,qcdl5 save /w50512/ double precision qcdl4,qcdl5 ! Interface to PDFLIB. common/w50513/xmin,xmax,q2min,q2max save /w50513/ double precision xmin,xmax,q2min,q2max ! Local arrays and character variables (NOT USED here DB) character*20 parm(20) double precision value(20) integer lhapathlen integer :: lhainput = 1 !integer lhaselect integer lhaprint integer lhaonce integer lhafive save lhaonce save lhafive data lhaonce/0/ data lhafive/0/ logical first data first/.true./ character*512 dirpath save first ! Initialise common blocks call commoninit() if (first) then call getdirpath(dirpath) first = .FALSE. endif ! Init lhaextrp = 0 if(lhaparm(18).EQ.'EXTRAPOLATE') then ! Extrapolate PDFs on own risk lhaextrp = 1 endif lhasilent = 0 if (lhaparm(19).EQ.'SILENT') then ! No printout (silent MODE) lhasilent = 1 elseif (lhaparm(19).EQ.'LOWKEY') then ! print 5 times (lowkey mode) if (lhafive .lt. 6) then lhafive = lhafive + 1 else lhasilent = 1 endif endif if (parm(1).EQ.'NPTYPE') then ! pythia if(mstp(181).ge.6) then lhaprint = mstu(11) else lhaprint = mstu5(11) endif if(value(1) .eq. 1) then ! nucleon lhainput = abs(mstp(51)) elseif(value(1) .eq. 2) then ! pion lhainput = abs(mstp(53)) elseif(value(1) .eq. 3) then ! photon lhainput = abs(mstp(55)) endif if (lhasilent .ne. 1) print *,'==== PYTHIA WILL USE LHAPDF ====' elseif(parm(1).EQ.'HWLHAPDF') then ! herwig lhainput = abs(int(value(1))) if(lhaonce.eq.lhainput) return if(lhasilent .ne. 1) print *,'==== HERWIG WILL USE LHAPDF ====' lhaprint = 6 lhaonce = lhainput elseif(parm(1).EQ.'DEFAULT') then ! stand-alone lhainput = abs(int(value(1))) if(lhaonce.eq.lhainput) return if(lhasilent .ne. 1) print *,'==== STAND-ALONE LHAGLUE MODE TO USE LHAPDF ====' lhaprint = 6 lhaonce = lhainput else print *,'== UNKNOWN LHAPDF INTERFACE CALL! STOP EXECUTION! ==' stop endif ! Initialize parton distributions: LHAPDFLIB. lhapathlen=index(lhapath,' ') - 1 lhaset = lhainput xmin = 1.0D-6 ! X_min for current PDF set xmax = 1.0D0 ! X_max for current PDF set q2min = 1.0D0**2 ! Q**2_min scale for current PDF set [GeV] q2max = 1.0D5**2 ! Q**2_max scale for current PDF set [GeV] ! ! Protons ! ! CTEQ Family if ((lhainput .ge. 10000) .and. (lhainput .le. 19999)) then q2max = 1.0d08 if ((lhainput .ge. 10000) .and. (lhainput .le. 10040)) then lhaset = 10000 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq6.LHpdf' q2min = 1.69d0 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10041) .and. (lhainput .le. 10041)) then lhaset = 10041 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq6l.LHpdf' q2min = 1.69d0 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10042) .and. (lhainput .le. 10042)) then lhaset = 10042 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq6ll.LHpdf' q2min = 1.69d0 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10050) .and. (lhainput .le. 10090)) then lhaset = 10050 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq6mE.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10100) .and. (lhainput .le. 10140)) then lhaset = 10100 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq61.LHpdf' q2min = 1.69d0 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10150) .and. (lhainput .le. 10190)) then lhaset = 10150 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq61.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10250) .and. (lhainput .le. 10269)) then lhaset = 10250 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq6AB.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10350) .and. (lhainput .le. 10390)) then lhaset = 10350 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq65.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-7 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10450) .and. (lhainput .le. 10456)) then lhaset = 10450 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq65c.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-7 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10460) .and. (lhainput .le. 10467)) then lhaset = 10460 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq65s.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-7 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10550) .and. (lhainput .le. 10594)) then lhaset = 10550 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq66.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10595) .and. (lhainput .le. 10599)) then lhaset = 10595 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq66alphas.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10650) .and. (lhainput .le. 10653)) then lhaset = 10650 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq66c.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10660) .and. (lhainput .le. 10660)) then lhaset = 10660 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq66a0.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10661) .and. (lhainput .le. 10661)) then lhaset = 10661 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq66a1.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10662) .and. (lhainput .le. 10662)) then lhaset = 10662 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq66a2.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10663) .and. (lhainput .le. 10663)) then lhaset = 10663 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq66a3.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10670) .and. (lhainput .le. 10677)) then lhaset = 10670 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq6lg.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10770) .and. (lhainput .le. 10770)) then lhaset = 10770 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/CT09MCS.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10771) .and. (lhainput .le. 10771)) then lhaset = 10771 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/CT09MC1.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10772) .and. (lhainput .le. 10772)) then lhaset = 10772 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/CT09MC2.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10800) .and. (lhainput .le. 10852)) then lhaset = 10800 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/CT10.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10860) .and. (lhainput .le. 10870)) then lhaset = 10860 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/CT10as.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10900) .and. (lhainput .le. 10952)) then lhaset = 10900 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/CT10w.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10960) .and. (lhainput .le. 10970)) then lhaset = 10960 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/CT10was.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10980) .and. (lhainput .le. 10980)) then lhaset = 10980 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/CT10f3.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10981) .and. (lhainput .le. 10981)) then lhaset = 10981 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/CT10f4.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10982) .and. (lhainput .le. 10982)) then lhaset = 10982 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/CT10wf3.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 10983) .and. (lhainput .le. 10983)) then lhaset = 10983 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/CT10wf4.LHgrid' q2min = 1.69d0 q2max = 1.0d10 xmin = 1.0d-8 elseif((lhainput .ge. 19050) .and. (lhainput .le. 19050)) then lhaset = 19050 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq5m.LHgrid' xmin=1.0d-5 elseif((lhainput .ge. 19051) .and. (lhainput .le. 19051)) then lhaset = 19051 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq5m1.LHgrid' xmin=1.0d-5 elseif((lhainput .ge. 19053) .and. (lhainput .le. 19053)) then lhaset = 19053 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq5f3.LHgrid' xmin=1.0d-5 elseif((lhainput .ge. 19054) .and. (lhainput .le. 19054)) then lhaset = 19054 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq5f4.LHgrid' xmin=1.0d-5 elseif((lhainput .ge. 19060) .and. (lhainput .le. 19060)) then lhaset = 19060 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq5d.LHgrid' xmin=1.0d-5 elseif((lhainput .ge. 19070) .and. (lhainput .le. 19070)) then lhaset = 19070 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq5l.LHgrid' xmin=1.0d-5 elseif((lhainput .ge. 19150) .and. (lhainput .le. 19150)) then lhaset = 19150 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq4m.LHgrid' q2min = 2.56d0 xmin=1.0d-5 elseif((lhainput .ge. 19160) .and. (lhainput .le. 19160)) then lhaset = 19160 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq4d.LHgrid' q2min = 2.56d0 xmin=1.0d-5 elseif((lhainput .ge. 19170) .and. (lhainput .le. 19170)) then lhaset = 19170 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/cteq4l.LHgrid' q2min = 2.56d0 xmin=1.0d-5 else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! MRST Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 20000) .and. (lhainput .le. 20999)) then q2min = 1.25d0 q2max = 1.0d07 xmin = 1.0d-5 if((lhainput .ge. 20000) .and. (lhainput .le. 20004)) then lhaset = 20000 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2001nlo.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20050) .and. (lhainput .le. 20054)) then lhaset = 20050 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2001nlo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20060) .and. (lhainput .le. 20061)) then lhaset = 20060 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2001lo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20070) .and. (lhainput .le. 20074)) then lhaset = 20070 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2001nnlo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20100) .and. (lhainput .le. 20130)) then lhaset = 20100 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2001E.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20150) .and. (lhainput .le. 20180)) then lhaset = 20150 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2001E.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20200) .and. (lhainput .le. 20201)) then lhaset = 20200 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2002nlo.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20250) .and. (lhainput .le. 20251)) then lhaset = 20250 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2002nlo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20270) .and. (lhainput .le. 20271)) then lhaset = 20270 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2002nnlo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20300) .and. (lhainput .le. 20301)) then lhaset = 20300 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2003cnlo.LHpdf' q2min = 10.0d0 xmin = 1.0d-3 elseif((lhainput .ge. 20350) .and. (lhainput .le. 20351)) then lhaset = 20350 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2003cnlo.LHgrid' q2min = 10.0d0 xmin = 1.0d-3 elseif((lhainput .ge. 20370) .and. (lhainput .le. 20371)) then lhaset = 20370 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2003cnnlo.LHgrid' q2min = 7.0d0 xmin = 1.0d-3 elseif((lhainput .ge. 20400) .and. (lhainput .le. 20401)) then lhaset = 20400 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2004nlo.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20406) .and. (lhainput .le. 20407)) then lhaset = 20406 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2004FF3nlo.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20408) .and. (lhainput .le. 20409)) then lhaset = 20408 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2004FF4nlo.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20450) .and. (lhainput .le. 20451)) then lhaset = 20450 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2004nlo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20452) .and. (lhainput .le. 20453)) then lhaset = 20452 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2004FF3lo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20454) .and. (lhainput .le. 20455)) then lhaset = 20454 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2004FF4lo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20456) .and. (lhainput .le. 20457)) then lhaset = 20456 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2004FF3nlo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20458) .and. (lhainput .le. 20459)) then lhaset = 20458 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2004FF4nlo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20460) .and. (lhainput .le. 20462)) then lhaset = 20460 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2004qed.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20470) .and. (lhainput .le. 20471)) then lhaset = 20470 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2004nnlo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20550) .and. (lhainput .le. 20580)) then lhaset = 20550 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2006nnlo.LHgrid' q2min = 1.0d0 q2max = 1.0d09 xmin = 1.0d-6 elseif((lhainput .ge. 20650) .and. (lhainput .le. 20650)) then lhaset = 20650 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST2007lomod.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 20651) .and. (lhainput .le. 20651)) then lhaset = 20651 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRSTMCal.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! next are MSTW elseif((lhainput .ge. 21000) .and. (lhainput .le. 23799)) then q2min = 1.0d0 q2max = 1.0d09 xmin = 1.0d-6 if((lhainput .ge. 21000) .and. (lhainput .le. 21040)) then lhaset = 21000 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008lo68cl.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 21041) .and. (lhainput .le. 21080)) then lhaset = 21040 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008lo90cl.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 21100) .and. (lhainput .le. 21140)) then lhaset = 21100 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo68cl.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 21141) .and. (lhainput .le. 21180)) then lhaset = 21140 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo90cl.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 21200) .and. (lhainput .le. 21240)) then lhaset = 21200 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo68cl.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 21241) .and. (lhainput .le. 21280)) then lhaset = 21240 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo90cl.LHgrid' ! elseif((lhainput .ge. 22000) .and. (lhainput .le. 22021)) then lhaset = 22000 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo_asmzrange.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22100) .and. (lhainput .le. 22140)) then lhaset = 22100 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo68cl_asmz+68cl.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22150) .and. (lhainput .le. 22190)) then lhaset = 22150 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo68cl_asmz-68cl.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22200) .and. (lhainput .le. 22240)) then lhaset = 22200 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo68cl_asmz+68clhalf.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22250) .and. (lhainput .le. 22290)) then lhaset = 22250 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo68cl_asmz-68clhalf.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22300) .and. (lhainput .le. 22340)) then lhaset = 22300 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo90cl_asmz+90cl.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22350) .and. (lhainput .le. 22390)) then lhaset = 22350 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo90cl_asmz-90cl.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22400) .and. (lhainput .le. 22440)) then lhaset = 22400 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo90cl_asmz+90clhalf.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22450) .and. (lhainput .le. 22490)) then lhaset = 22450 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo90cl_asmz-90clhalf.LHgrid' ! elseif((lhainput .ge. 22500) .and. (lhainput .le. 22521)) then lhaset = 22500 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo_asmzrange.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22600) .and. (lhainput .le. 22640)) then lhaset = 22600 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo68cl_asmz+68cl.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22650) .and. (lhainput .le. 22690)) then lhaset = 22650 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo68cl_asmz-68cl.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22700) .and. (lhainput .le. 22740)) then lhaset = 22700 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo68cl_asmz+68clhalf.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22750) .and. (lhainput .le. 22790)) then lhaset = 22750 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo68cl_asmz-68clhalf.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22800) .and. (lhainput .le. 22840)) then lhaset = 22800 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo90cl_asmz+90cl.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22850) .and. (lhainput .le. 22890)) then lhaset = 22850 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo90cl_asmz-90cl.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22900) .and. (lhainput .le. 22940)) then lhaset = 22900 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo90cl_asmz+90clhalf.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 22950) .and. (lhainput .le. 22990)) then lhaset = 22950 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo90cl_asmz-90clhalf.LHgrid' ! elseif((lhainput .ge. 23000) .and. (lhainput .le. 23040)) then lhaset = 23000 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008lo68cl_nf3.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23041) .and. (lhainput .le. 23080)) then lhaset = 23041 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008lo90cl_nf3.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23100) .and. (lhainput .le. 23140)) then lhaset = 23100 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008lo68cl_nf4.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23141) .and. (lhainput .le. 23180)) then lhaset = 23141 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008lo90cl_nf4.LHgrid' ! elseif((lhainput .ge. 23200) .and. (lhainput .le. 23240)) then lhaset = 23200 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo68cl_nf3.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23241) .and. (lhainput .le. 23280)) then lhaset = 23241 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo90cl_nf3.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23300) .and. (lhainput .le. 23340)) then lhaset = 23300 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo68cl_nf4.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23341) .and. (lhainput .le. 23380)) then lhaset = 23341 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo90cl_nf4.LHgrid' ! elseif((lhainput .ge. 23400) .and. (lhainput .le. 23414)) then lhaset = 23400 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo_mcrange.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23420) .and. (lhainput .le. 23434)) then lhaset = 23420 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo_mcrange_nf3.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23440) .and. (lhainput .le. 23454)) then lhaset = 23440 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo_mcrange_fixasmz.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23460) .and. (lhainput .le. 23474)) then lhaset = 23460 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo_mcrange_fixasmz_nf3.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23480) .and. (lhainput .le. 23486)) then lhaset = 23480 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo_mbrange.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23490) .and. (lhainput .le. 23496)) then lhaset = 23490 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nlo_mbrange_nf4.LHgrid' ! elseif((lhainput .ge. 23500) .and. (lhainput .le. 23540)) then lhaset = 23500 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo68cl_nf3.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23541) .and. (lhainput .le. 23580)) then lhaset = 23541 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo90cl_nf3.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23600) .and. (lhainput .le. 23640)) then lhaset = 23600 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo68cl_nf4.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23361) .and. (lhainput .le. 23680)) then lhaset = 23641 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo90cl_nf4.LHgrid' ! elseif((lhainput .ge. 23700) .and. (lhainput .le. 23714)) then lhaset = 23700 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo_mcrange.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23720) .and. (lhainput .le. 23734)) then lhaset = 23720 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo_mcrange_nf3.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23740) .and. (lhainput .le. 23754)) then lhaset = 23740 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo_mcrange_fixasmz.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23760) .and. (lhainput .le. 23774)) then lhaset = 23760 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo_mcrange_fixasmz_nf3.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23780) .and. (lhainput .le. 23786)) then lhaset = 23780 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo_mbrange.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 23790) .and. (lhainput .le. 23796)) then lhaset = 23790 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MSTW2008nnlo_mbrange_nf4.LHgrid' ! else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! old MRST98 sets elseif((lhainput .ge. 29000) .and. (lhainput .le. 29999)) then q2min = 1.25d0 q2max = 1.0d07 xmin = 1.0d-5 if((lhainput .ge. 29000) .and. (lhainput .le. 29003)) then lhaset = 29000 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST98.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 29040) .and. (lhainput .le. 29045)) then lhaset = 29040 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST98lo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 29050) .and. (lhainput .le. 29055)) then lhaset = 29050 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST98nlo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 29060) .and. (lhainput .le. 29065)) then lhaset = 29060 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST98dis.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 29070) .and. (lhainput .le. 29071)) then lhaset = 29070 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/MRST98ht.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! Fermi Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 30000) .and. (lhainput .le. 39999)) then if((lhainput .ge. 30100) .and. (lhainput .le. 30200)) then lhaset = 30100 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/Fermi2002_100.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 31000) .and. (lhainput .le. 32000)) then lhaset = 31000 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/Fermi2002_1000.LHpdf' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! Alekhin Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 40000) .and. (lhainput .le. 49999)) then if((lhainput .ge. 40100) .and. (lhainput .le. 40200)) then lhaset = 40100 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/Alekhin_100.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 41000) .and. (lhainput .le. 41999)) then lhaset = 41000 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/Alekhin_1000.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 40350) .and. (lhainput .le. 40367)) then lhaset = 40350 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/a02m_lo.LHgrid' xmin = 1.0d-7 q2min = 0.8d0 q2max = 2.0d08 elseif((lhainput .ge. 40450) .and. (lhainput .le. 40467)) then lhaset = 40450 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/a02m_nlo.LHgrid' xmin = 1.0d-7 q2min = 0.8d0 q2max = 2.0d08 elseif((lhainput .ge. 40550) .and. (lhainput .le. 40567)) then lhaset = 40550 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/a02m_nnlo.LHgrid' xmin = 1.0d-7 q2min = 0.8d0 q2max = 2.0d08 elseif((lhainput .ge. 40650) .and. (lhainput .le. 40675)) then lhaset = 40650 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/abkm09_3_nlo.LHgrid' xmin = 1.0d-7 q2min = 0.8d0 q2max = 2.0d08 elseif((lhainput .ge. 40750) .and. (lhainput .le. 40775)) then lhaset = 40750 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/abkm09_3_nnlo.LHgrid' xmin = 1.0d-7 q2min = 0.8d0 q2max = 2.0d08 elseif((lhainput .ge. 40780) .and. (lhainput .le. 40805)) then lhaset = 40780 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/abkm09_4_nlo.LHgrid' xmin = 1.0d-7 q2min = 0.8d0 q2max = 2.0d08 elseif((lhainput .ge. 40810) .and. (lhainput .le. 40835)) then lhaset = 40810 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/abkm09_4_nnlo.LHgrid' xmin = 1.0d-7 q2min = 0.8d0 q2max = 2.0d08 elseif((lhainput .ge. 40850) .and. (lhainput .le. 40875)) then lhaset = 40850 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/abkm09_5_nlo.LHgrid' xmin = 1.0d-7 q2min = 0.8d0 q2max = 2.0d08 elseif((lhainput .ge. 40950) .and. (lhainput .le. 40975)) then lhaset = 40950 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/abkm09_5_nnlo.LHgrid' xmin = 1.0d-7 q2min = 0.8d0 q2max = 2.0d08 else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! Botje Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 50000) .and. (lhainput .le. 59999)) then if((lhainput .ge. 50100) .and. (lhainput .le. 50200)) then lhaset = 50100 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/Botje_100.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 51000) .and. (lhainput .le. 51999)) then lhaset = 51000 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/Botje_1000.LHpdf' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! ZEUS Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 60000) .and. (lhainput .le. 69999)) then q2min = 0.3d0 q2max = 2.0d05 if((lhainput .ge. 60000) .and. (lhainput .le. 60022)) then lhaset = 60000 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/ZEUS2002_TR.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 60100) .and. (lhainput .le. 60122)) then lhaset = 60100 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/ZEUS2002_ZM.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 60200) .and. (lhainput .le. 60222)) then lhaset = 60200 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/ZEUS2002_FF.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 60300) .and. (lhainput .le. 60322)) then lhaset = 60300 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/ZEUS2005_ZJ.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 60400) .and. (lhainput .le. 60422)) then xmin=1.0d-6 xmax=1.0d0 q2min=1.0d0 q2max=1.0d09 lhaset = 60400 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/HERAPDF01.LHpdf' elseif((lhainput .ge. 60430) .and. (lhainput .le. 60444)) then xmin=1.0d-6 xmax=1.0d0 q2min=1.0d0 q2max=2.0d08 lhaset = 60430 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/HERAPDF01.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 60500) .and. (lhainput .le. 60520)) then xmin=1.0d-6 xmax=1.0d0 q2min=1.0d0 q2max=2.0d08 lhaset = 60500 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/HERAPDF10_EIG.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 60530) .and. (lhainput .le. 60543)) then xmin=1.0d-6 xmax=1.0d0 q2min=1.0d0 q2max=2.0d08 lhaset = 60530 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/HERAPDF10_VAR.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 60550) .and. (lhainput .le. 60561)) then xmin=1.0d-6 xmax=1.0d0 q2min=1.0d0 q2max=2.0d08 lhaset = 60550 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/HERAPDF10_ALPHAS.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! H1 Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 70000) .and. (lhainput .le. 79999)) then q2min = 1.5d0 q2max = 3.5d04 xmin = 5.7d-5 if((lhainput .ge. 70050) .and. (lhainput .le. 70050)) then lhaset = 70050 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/H12000ms.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 70051) .and. (lhainput .le. 70070)) then lhaset = 70050 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/H12000msE.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 70150) .and. (lhainput .le. 70150)) then lhaset = 70150 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/H12000dis.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 70151) .and. (lhainput .le. 70170)) then lhaset = 70150 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/H12000disE.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 70250) .and. (lhainput .le. 70250)) then lhaset = 70250 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/H12000lo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 70251) .and. (lhainput .le. 70270)) then lhaset = 70250 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/H12000loE.LHgrid' ! Temporarily removed on returning to original H12000 files ! elseif((lhainput .ge. 70350) .and. (lhainput .le. 70350)) then ! lhaset = 70350 ! lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/H12000lo2.LHgrid' ! elseif((lhainput .ge. 70351) .and. (lhainput .le. 70370)) then ! lhaset = 70350 ! lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/H12000lo2E.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! GRV/GJR Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 80000) .and. (lhainput .le. 89999)) then q2min = 0.8d0 q2max = 2.0d06 xmin = 1.0d-9 if((lhainput .ge. 80050) .and. (lhainput .le. 80051)) then lhaset = 80050 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GRV98nlo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 80060) .and. (lhainput .le. 80060)) then lhaset = 80060 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GRV98lo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 80150) .and. (lhainput .le. 80151)) then q2min = 0.3d0 q2max = 1.0d08 lhaset = 80150 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GJR08lo.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 80152) .and. (lhainput .le. 80152)) then q2min = 0.5d0 q2max = 1.0d08 lhaset = 80152 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GJR08FFdis.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 80160) .and. (lhainput .le. 80186)) then q2min = 0.5d0 q2max = 1.0d08 lhaset = 80160 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GJR08FFnloE.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 80260) .and. (lhainput .le. 80286)) then q2min = 0.5d0 q2max = 1.0d08 lhaset = 80260 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GJR08VFnloE.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 80360) .and. (lhainput .le. 80386)) then q2min = 0.55d0 q2max = 1.0d08 lhaset = 80360 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/JR09FFnnloE.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 80460) .and. (lhainput .le. 80486)) then q2min = 0.55d0 q2max = 1.0d08 lhaset = 80460 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/JR09VFnnloE.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif !...NNPDF Family ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90000) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 98000)) THEN XMIN = 1.0D-9 Q2MIN = 2.0D0 Q2MAX = 1.0D08 IF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90000) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90100)) THEN LHASET = 90000 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF10_100.LHpdf' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90200) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90300))THEN LHASET = 90200 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF10_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90400) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90500))THEN LHASET = 90400 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF11_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90600) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90700))THEN LHASET = 90600 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF12_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90800) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90900))THEN LHASET = 90800 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90901) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90901))THEN LHASET = 90901 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0114_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90902) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90902))THEN LHASET = 90902 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0115_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90903) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90903))THEN LHASET = 90903 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0116_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90904) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90904))THEN LHASET = 90904 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0117_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90905) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90905))THEN LHASET = 90905 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0118_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90906) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90906))THEN LHASET = 90906 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0120_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90907) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90907))THEN LHASET = 90907 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0121_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90908) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90908))THEN LHASET = 90908 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0122_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90909) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90909))THEN LHASET = 90909 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0123_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 90910) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 90910))THEN LHASET = 90910 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0124_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 91000) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 92000)) THEN LHASET = 91000 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF10_1000.LHpdf' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 93000) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 94000))THEN LHASET = 93000 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF10_1000.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 95000) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 96000))THEN LHASET = 95000 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF12_1000.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 97000) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 98000))THEN LHASET = 97000 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_1000.LHgrid' ELSE WRITE(LHAPRINT,5150) LHASET STOP ENDIF !...NNPDF Family second tranche ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 190000) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 192900)) THEN XMIN = 1.0D-9 Q2MIN = 2.0D0 Q2MAX = 1.0D08 IF((LHAINPUT .GE. 190000) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 190100))THEN LHASET = 190000 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0114_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 190200) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 190300))THEN LHASET = 190200 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0115_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 190400) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 190500))THEN LHASET = 190400 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0116_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 190600) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 190700))THEN LHASET = 190600 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0117_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 190800) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 190900))THEN LHASET = 190800 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0118_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 191000) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 191100))THEN LHASET = 191000 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0120_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 191200) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 191300))THEN LHASET = 191200 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0121_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 191400) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 191500))THEN LHASET = 191400 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0122_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 191600) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 191700))THEN LHASET = 191600 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0123_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 191800) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 191900))THEN LHASET = 191800 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_as_0124_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 192000) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 192100))THEN LHASET = 192000 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_heraold_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 192200) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 192300))THEN LHASET = 192200 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_dis_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 192400) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 192500))THEN LHASET = 192400 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_dis+dy_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 192600) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 192700))THEN LHASET = 192600 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF20_dis+jet_100.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 192800) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 192900))THEN LHASET = 192800 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/NNPDF21_100.LHgrid' ELSE WRITE(LHAPRINT,5150) LHASET STOP ENDIF !...User defined sets ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 99002) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 99004)) THEN XMIN = 1.0D-9 Q2MIN = 1.0D0 Q2MAX = 1.0D09 IF((LHAINPUT .GE.99002) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 99002)) THEN LHASET = 99002 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/USERGRIDQ2.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 99003) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 99003))THEN LHASET = 99003 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/USERGRIDQ3.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 99004) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 99004))THEN LHASET = 99004 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/USERGRIDQ4.LHgrid' ELSE WRITE(LHAPRINT,5150) LHASET STOP ENDIF !...Nuclear PDFs HKN sets ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 100050) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 100169)) THEN XMIN = 1.0D-9 Q2MIN = 1.0D0 Q2MAX = 1.0D08 IF((LHAINPUT .GE.100050) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 100069)) THEN LHASET = 100050 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/HKNlo.LHgrid' ELSEIF((LHAINPUT .GE. 100150) .AND. (LHAINPUT .LE. 100169))THEN LHASET =100150 LHANAME=LHAPATH(1:LHAPATHLEN)//'/HKNnlo.LHgrid' ELSE WRITE(LHAPRINT,5150) LHASET STOP ENDIF ! ! Pions ! ! OW-PI Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 210) .and. (lhainput .le. 212)) then q2min = 4.0d0 q2max = 2.0d03 xmin = 5.0d-03 xmax = 0.9998d0 if((lhainput .ge. 210) .and. (lhainput .le. 212)) then lhaset = 210 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/OWPI.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! SMRS-PI Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 230) .and. (lhainput .le. 233)) then q2min = 5.0d0 q2max = 1.31d06 xmin = 1.0d-05 xmax = 0.9998d0 if((lhainput .ge. 230) .and. (lhainput .le. 233)) then lhaset = 230 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/SMRSPI.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! GRV-PI Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 250) .and. (lhainput .le. 252)) then q2max = 1.00d06 xmin = 1.0d-05 xmax = 0.9998d0 if((lhainput .ge. 250) .and. (lhainput .le. 251)) then q2min = 3.0d-1 lhaset = 250 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GRVPI1.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 252) .and. (lhainput .le. 252)) then q2min = 2.5d-1 lhaset = 252 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GRVPI0.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! ABFKW-PI Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 260) .and. (lhainput .le. 263)) then q2min = 2.0d0 q2max = 1.00d08 xmin = 1.0d-03 xmax = 0.9998d0 if((lhainput .ge. 260) .and. (lhainput .le. 263)) then lhaset = 260 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/ABFKWPI.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! ! photons ! ! DO-G Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 310) .and. (lhainput .le. 312)) then q2min = 1.0d01 q2max = 1.00d04 xmin = 1.0d-05 xmax = 0.9d0 if((lhainput .ge. 310) .and. (lhainput .le. 311)) then lhaset = 310 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/DOG0.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 312) .and. (lhainput .le. 312)) then lhaset = 312 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/DOG1.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! DG-G Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 320) .and. (lhainput .le. 324)) then xmin = 1.0d-05 xmax = 0.9998d0 lhaset = 320 if((lhainput .ge. 320) .and. (lhainput .le. 321)) then q2min = 1.0d0 q2max = 1.0d04 ! lhaset = 320 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/DGG.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 322) .and. (lhainput .le. 322)) then q2min = 1.0d0 q2max = 5.0d01 ! lhaset = 322 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/DGG.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 323) .and. (lhainput .le. 323)) then q2min = 2.0d1 q2max = 5.0d02 ! lhaset = 323 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/DGG.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 324) .and. (lhainput .le. 324)) then q2min = 2.0d2 q2max = 1.0d04 ! lhaset = 324 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/DGG.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! LAC/GAL-G Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 330) .and. (lhainput .le. 334)) then q2min = 4.0d00 q2max = 1.0d05 xmin = 1.0d-04 xmax = 0.9998d0 lhaset = 330 if((lhainput .ge. 330) .and. (lhainput .le. 332)) then ! lhaset = 330 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/LACG.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 333) .and. (lhainput .le. 333)) then q2min = 1.0d00 ! lhaset = 333 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/LACG.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 334) .and. (lhainput .le. 334)) then q2min = 4.0d00 ! lhaset = 334 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/LACG.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! GSG/GSG96-G Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 340) .and. (lhainput .le. 345)) then q2min = 5.3d00 q2max = 1.0d08 xmin = 5.0d-04 xmax = 0.9998d0 if((lhainput .ge. 340) .and. (lhainput .le. 341)) then lhaset = 340 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GSG1.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 342) .and. (lhainput .le. 343)) then lhaset = 341 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GSG0.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 344) .and. (lhainput .le. 344)) then lhaset = 344 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GSG961.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 345) .and. (lhainput .le. 345)) then lhaset = 345 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GSG960.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! GRV-G Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 350) .and. (lhainput .le. 354)) then q2min = 3.0d-1 q2max = 1.0d06 xmin = 1.0d-05 xmax = 0.9998d0 if((lhainput .ge. 350) .and. (lhainput .le. 352)) then lhaset = 350 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GRVG1.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 353) .and. (lhainput .le. 353)) then q2min = 2.5d-1 lhaset = 352 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GRVG0.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 354) .and. (lhainput .le. 354)) then q2min = 6.0d-1 q2max = 5.0d04 lhaset = 352 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/GRVG0.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! ACFGP-G Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 360) .and. (lhainput .le. 363)) then q2min = 2.0d00 q2max = 5.5d05 xmin = 1.37d-03 xmax = 0.9998d0 if((lhainput .ge. 360) .and. (lhainput .le. 363)) then lhaset = 360 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/ACFGPG.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! WHIT-G Family elseif((lhainput .ge. 380) .and. (lhainput .le. 386)) then q2min = 4.0d00 q2max = 2.5d03 xmin = 1.0d-03 xmax = 0.9998d0 if((lhainput .ge. 380) .and. (lhainput .le. 386)) then lhaset = 380 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/WHITG.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! SAS-G Family elseif ((lhainput .ge. 390) .and. (lhainput .le. 398)) then q2max = 5.0d04 xmin = 1.0d-05 xmax = 0.9998d0 lhaset = 390 if ((lhainput .ge. 390) .and. (lhainput .le. 392)) then q2min = 3.6d-1 ! lhaset = 390 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/SASG.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 393) .and. (lhainput .le. 394)) then q2min = 4.0d00 ! lhaset = 393 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/SASG.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 395) .and. (lhainput .le. 396)) then q2min = 3.6d-1 ! lhaset = 395 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/SASG.LHgrid' elseif((lhainput .ge. 397) .and. (lhainput .le. 398)) then q2min = 4.0d00 ! lhaset = 397 lhaname=lhapath(1:lhapathlen)//'/SASG.LHgrid' else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif ! Unknown Family ?! Giving up else write(lhaprint,5150) lhaset stop endif lhamemb=lhainput-lhaset ! Now work out if we have already called this set/member iset = 0 do j=1,nsets if (lhaname.eq.lhanames(j).and. & lhamemb.eq.lhamembers(j)) then iset = j endif enddo if (iset.eq.0) then nsets=nsets+1 if (nsets.gt.nmxset) then if (LHASILENT.ne.1) then print *, "WARNING: too many sets initialised" print *,"overwriting from set 1 again" endif nsets = 1 ! stop endif iset=nsets lhanames(iset)=lhaname lhanumbers(iset)=lhainput lhamembers(iset)=lhamemb xxmin(iset)=xmin xxmax(iset)=xmax qq2min(iset)=q2min qq2max(iset)=q2max call initpdfsetm(iset,lhaname) call numberpdfm(iset,lhaallmem) if(lhasilent .ne. 1) then write(lhaprint,5151) write(lhaprint,5152) lhaname write(lhaprint,5153) lhaallmem write(lhaprint,5154) endif if ((lhamemb.lt.0) .or. (lhamemb.gt.lhaallmem)) then write(lhaprint,5155) lhamemb write(lhaprint,5156) lhaallmem stop endif ! print *,'calling initpdf',lhamemb ! print *,'calling initpdfm ',iset,lhaname,lhamemb ! print *,'LHAGLUE .... initializing set,member ',iset,lhamemb call initpdfm(iset,lhamemb) endif ! the rest is done every time pdfset is called !print *,'setting nset to:',iset call setnset(iset) call setnmem(iset,lhamemb) xmin = xxmin(iset) xmax = xxmax(iset) q2min=qq2min(iset) q2max=qq2max(iset) call GetLam4M(iset,LHAMEMB,qcdl4) call GetLam5M(iset,LHAMEMB,qcdl5) QMZ = 91.1876D0 alphasLHA = alphasPDFM(iset,QMZ) if(lhasilent .ne. 1) write(lhaprint,5158) alphasLHA if(lhaparm(17).EQ.'LHAPDF') then nptypepdfl = 1 ! Proton PDFs nflpdfl = 4 qcdlha4 = qcdl4 qcdlha5 = qcdl5 if (LHASILENT .NE. 1) write(lhaprint,5159) qcdl4, qcdl5 else nptypepdfl = 1 ! Proton PDFs nflpdfl = 4 alambda = 0.192d0 qcdlha4 = alambda qcdlha5 = alambda if (parm(1).EQ.'NPTYPE') then ! PYTHIA qcdl4 = alambda qcdl5 = alambda endif endif ! Formats for initialization information. 5150 format(1X,'WRONG LHAPDF set number =',I12,' given! STOP EXE!') 5151 format(1X,'==============================================') 5152 format(1X,'PDFset name ',A80) 5153 format(1X,'with ',I10,' members') 5154 format(1X,'==== initialized. ===========================') 5155 format(1X,'LHAPDF problem => YOU asked for member = ',I10) 5156 format(1X,'Valid range is: 0 - ',I10,' Execution stopped.') !5157 format(1X,'Number of flavors for PDF is:',I4) 5158 format(1X,'Strong coupling at Mz for PDF is:',F9.5) 5159 format(1X,'Will use for PYTHIA QCDL4, QCDL5:',2F9.5) return end subroutine pdfset !******************************************************************** ! -- STRUCTA ! -- copy of PDFLIB to use the eks98 nuclear correction factors subroutine structa(x,q,a,upv,dnv,usea,dsea,str,chm,bot,top,glu) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) character*20 lparm call getlhaparm(15,lparm) if(lparm.eq.'EPS08') then call eps08(x,q,a,ruv,rdv,ru,rd,rs,rc,rb,rt,rg) else if (lparm(1:5).eq.'EPS09') then if (lparm.eq.'EPS09LO') then iorder=1 ipset=1 else if (lparm.eq.'EPS09NLO') then iorder=2 ipset=1 else if (lparm(1:8).eq.'EPS09LO,') then iorder=1 read(lparm(9:),*)ipset else if (lparm(1:9).eq.'EPS09NLO,') then iorder=2 read(lparm(10:),*)ipset else iorder=2 ipset=1 endif ia=a call eps09(iorder,ipset,ia,x,q,ruv,rdv,ru,rd,rs,rc,rb,rg) rt=1.0d0 else call eks98(x,q,a,ruv,rdv,ru,rd,rs,rc,rb,rt,rg) endif call structm(x,q,upv,dnv,usea,dsea,str,chm,bot,top,glu) upv = ruv*upv dnv = rdv*dnv usea = ru*usea dsea = rd*dsea str = rs*str chm = rc*chm bot = rb*bot top = rt*top glu = rg*glu return end subroutine structa !********************************************************************* ! STRUCTM ! Gives parton distributions according to the LHAPDF interface. ! Two evolution codes used: ! EVLCTEQ for CTEQ PDF sets ! QCDNUM for Other PDF sets ! ! Author: Dimitri Bourilkov bourilkov@mailaps.org ! ! v4.0 21-Mar-2005 Photon/pion/new p PDFs, updated for LHAPDF v4 ! v3.0 23-Jan-2004 ! ! interface to LHAPDF library subroutine structm(dx,dq,upv,dnv,usea,dsea,str,chm,bot,top,glu) ! double precision and integer declarations. implicit double precision(a-h, o-z) implicit integer(i-n) ! Common blocks include 'commonlhapdf.inc' include 'commonlhasets.inc' include 'commonlhacontrol.inc' include 'commonlhaglsta.inc' ! commonblocks. common/pydat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200) save /pydat1/ ! interface to lhapdflib. double precision qcdlha4, qcdlha5 integer nfllha common/lhapdfr/qcdlha4, qcdlha5, nfllha save /lhapdfr/ integer lhaextrp common/lhapdfe/lhaextrp save /lhapdfe/ ! interface to pdflib. common/w50513/xmin,xmax,q2min,q2max save /w50513/ double precision xmin,xmax,q2min,q2max ! local variables double precision upv,dnv,usea,dsea,str,chm,bot,top,glu double precision dx,dq,x,q,f(-6:6),photon,gluino x = dx q = dq q2 = q**2 ! statistics if(lhaparm(16).ne.'NOSTAT') then totnum = totnum+1.d0 if(x .lt. xmin) xminnum = xminnum+1.d0 if(x .gt. xmax) xmaxnum = xmaxnum+1.d0 if(q2 .lt. q2min) q2minnum = q2minnum+1.d0 if(q2 .gt. q2max) q2maxnum = q2maxnum+1.d0 endif ! range of validity e.g. 10^-6 < x < 1, q2min < q^2 extended by ! freezing x*f(x,q2) at borders. if(lhaextrp .ne. 1) then ! safe mode == "freeze" xin=max(xmin,min(xmax,x)) q=sqrt(max(0d0,q2min,min(q2max,q2))) else ! adventurous mode == own risk ! xin=x endif call getnset(iset) !print *,'calling evolvepdfm:',iset ! fix to allow STRUCTM to work for photon PDFs (Herwig does this) ! set P2 = 0.0d0 and IP2 = 0 if(lhanumbers(iset).ge.300.and.lhanumbers(iset).le.399) then p2 = 0.0d0 ip2 = 0 call evolvepdfpm(iset,xin,q,p2,ip2,f) else if (lhanumbers(iset).ge.20460.and.lhanumbers(iset).le.20462) then call evolvepdfphotonm(iset,xin,q,f,photon) else if (lhanumbers(iset).ge.10670.and.lhanumbers(iset).le.10677) then call evolvepdfgluinom(iset,xin,q,f,gluino) else call evolvepdfm(iset,xin,q,f) endif glu = f(0) dsea = f(-1) dnv = f(1) - dsea usea = f(-2) upv = f(2) - usea str = f(3) chm = f(4) bot = f(5) top = f(6) return end subroutine structm !********************************************************************* ! STRUCTP ! Gives parton distributions according to the LHAPDF interface. ! Used for photons. ! ! v4.0 21-Mar-2005 Photon/pion/new p PDFs, updated for LHAPDF v4 ! ! Interface to LHAPDF library subroutine structp(dx,dq2,p2,ip2,upv,dnv,usea,dsea,str,chm,bot,top,glu) ! Double precision and integer declarations. implicit double precision(a-h, o-z) implicit integer(i-n) ! Common blocks include 'parmsetup.inc' include 'commonlhapdf.inc' include 'commonlhacontrol.inc' include 'commonlhaglsta.inc' ! Commonblocks. common/pydat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200) save /pydat1/ ! Interface to LHAPDFLIB. double precision qcdlha4, qcdlha5 integer nfllha common/lhapdfr/qcdlha4, qcdlha5, nfllha save /lhapdfr/ integer lhaextrp common/lhapdfe/lhaextrp save /lhapdfe/ ! Interface to PDFLIB. common/w50513/xmin,xmax,q2min,q2max save /w50513/ double precision xmin,xmax,q2min,q2max ! Local variables double precision upv,dnv,usea,dsea,str,chm,bot,top,glu double precision dx,dq2,q2,x,q,f(-6:6) x = dx q2 = dq2 ! Statistics if(lhaparm(16).ne.'NOSTAT') then totnup = totnup+1.d0 if(x .lt. xmin) xminnup = xminnup+1.d0 if(x .gt. xmax) xmaxnup = xmaxnup+1.d0 if(q2 .lt. q2min) q2minnup = q2minnup+1.d0 if(q2 .gt. q2max) q2maxnup = q2maxnup+1.d0 endif ! Range of validity e.g. 10^-6 < x < 1, Q2MIN < Q^2 extended by ! freezing x*f(x,Q2) at borders. q = dsqrt(q2) if(lhaextrp .ne. 1) then ! safe mode == "freeze" xin=max(xmin,min(xmax,x)) q=sqrt(max(0d0,q2min,min(q2max,q2))) else ! adventurous mode == OWN RISK ! xin=x endif call getnset(iset) call evolvepdfpm(iset,xin,q,p2,ip2,f) glu = f(0) dsea = f(-1) dnv = f(1) - dsea usea = f(-2) upv = f(2) - usea str = f(3) chm = f(4) bot = f(5) top = f(6) return end subroutine structp !********************************************************************* ! PDFSTA ! For statistics ON structure functions (under/over-flows) ! ! Author: Dimitri Bourilkov bourilkov@mailaps.org ! ! ! first introduced in v4.0 28-Apr-2005 ! subroutine pdfsta ! Double precision and integer declarations. implicit double precision(a-h, o-z) implicit integer(i-n) ! Common blocks include 'commonlhaglsta.inc' ! Interface to LHAPDFLIB. print * print *,'===== PDFSTA statistics for PDF under/over-flows ====' print * print *,'====== STRUCTM statistics for nucleon/pion PDFs =====' print * print *,' total # of calls ',TOTNUM if(totnum .gt. 0.d0) then percbelow = 100.d0*xminnum/totnum percabove = 100.d0*xmaxnum/totnum print *,' X below PDF min ',xminnum,' or ',percbelow, ' %' print *,' X above PDF max ',xmaxnum,' or ',percabove, ' %' percbelow = 100.d0*q2minnum/totnum percabove = 100.d0*q2maxnum/totnum print *,' Q2 below PDF min ',q2minnum,' or ',percbelow, ' %' print *,' Q2 above PDF max ',q2maxnum,' or ',percabove, ' %' endif print * print *,'========= STRUCTP statistics for photon PDFs ========' print * print *,' total # of calls ',totnup if(totnup .gt. 0.d0) then percbelow = 100.d0*xminnup/totnup percabove = 100.d0*xmaxnup/totnup print *,' X below PDF min ',xminnup,' or ',percbelow, ' %' print *,' X above PDF max ',xmaxnup,' or ',percabove, ' %' percbelow = 100.d0*q2minnup/totnup percabove = 100.d0*q2maxnup/totnup print *,' Q2 below PDF min ',q2minnup,' or ',percbelow, ' %' print *,' Q2 above PDF max ',q2maxnup,' or ',percabove, ' %' endif print * return end subroutine pdfsta subroutine pftopdg(dx,dscale,dxpdf) !include "pdf/expdp.inc" double precision dx,dscale,dupv,ddnv,dusea,ddsea,dstr,dchm,dbot,dtop,dgl,dxpdf(-6:6) ! Call STRUCTM in PDFLIB to get flavour content call structm(dx,dscale,dupv,ddnv,dusea,ddsea,dstr,dchm,dbot,dtop,dgl) ! Convert flavour convention of PDFLIB to PDG convention dxpdf(0) = dgl dxpdf(1) = ddnv + ddsea dxpdf(2) = dupv + dusea dxpdf(3) = dstr dxpdf(4) = dchm dxpdf(5) = dbot dxpdf(6) = dtop dxpdf(-1) = ddsea dxpdf(-2) = dusea dxpdf(-3) = dstr dxpdf(-4) = dchm dxpdf(-5) = dbot dxpdf(-6) = dtop return end subroutine pftopdg